I am not now to ever trying to be rude or upset “YOU”. I AM without any shadow of doubt making my attempt to stretch your thinking. With our illness we live in a box. The box gets a little smaller as the years pass by. My writings are my attempt to show “YOU” that your box can be stretched a little if “YOU” open your mind to different possibilities. For all of us the walls are closing in, that is the nature of our disease. I merely suggest that there are ways to push those walls back a little sometimes. If only “YOU” allow yourself to be willing to make an effort and accept the effort that “YOU” as a person with ms have to make. Yes, without a doubt there is loss and sacrifice, but these are things that I feel that “YOU” must be prepared to do to have a happyish and fulfilling life. Do nothing and “YOU” will still live, with decay being much faster than somebody who makes an effort. I am staying in a two storey house at the moment. The computer is upstairs so of course when I frequently need to urinate(ms bladder) I go downstairs use the toilet(bathroom) then come back up the stairs to the computer. Effort my family effort. Only once so far have I waited to long and the floor suffered a wash it did not beed. This is\maybe a way to look at your life everyday. I will make an effort to do something a little more than I\”YOU” have to, so tomorrow I\we have a memory of accomplishment and strength. Give yourself every opportunity to see how great “YOU” really are.
I like that idea much more than sitting in a dark, cold corner whimpering. Give yourself memories that build “YOU” up not tear “YOU” down.
relax I am not trying to be mean, just showing you that there is a different way