I broke my foot again, 3rd time,good new this time,clean break,good blood supply,should heal quick. I was cleaning the air conditioners, it is suppose to in the 90's this week,I turned around and we know what happens when we turn quick.the dr proceeds to tell me you know why that happens when you turn your head or spin around quick? your brain tells you what action you what to take but the delayed nerves take another few seconds to catch up to your thoughts,so if you start moving before your brain and body is ready,hello floor! i guess i never had a doctor put it that way,i understood that!
3 times a charm???: I broke my foot again... - My MSAA Community
3 times a charm???

Oh no, I'm so sorry! I hope you heal well and are done with breaking it 🙏
Yikes! 3rd time! So sorry. Nice that he took the time to talk about why. Hope all heals quickly and well.
Praying for your healing soon🙏🏾
I'm sorry to hear about the foot break. We'll all hope the bones heal quickly! If only more doctors would explain as clearly as yours did! His explanation makes perfect sense to me.
Guess I won’t complain about moving so slowly if it keeps me safe. Hope you heal fast with good blood flow.
Sorry to hear that, hope it doesn't hurt too much and you heal quick. 🌹
Take care
I hope you feel better. Wow I never thought about it like that either. Makes sense. Thank you for sharing your story.
So sorry to hear about your accident. Too much for anyone. Heal well my friend.
Oh my goodness! Stop it, just stop it! Bubble boots on their way!!
Did you ever see the commercial where the kid is wrapped in toilet paper, do we need to send you some?
So sorry to hear that! Praying you heal quickly. Yes, the Dr did get it right!