What are your expectations when "YOU" take a medicine? Any medicine not merely Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT). Ask yourself again, this time really think about your answer. I take my medicines and with the exception of aspirins, my expectatio nare very low. I do not count on medicine doing very much, when it does, I am very happy, but when it does not I just shrug my shoulders. I believe I might be a little sceptical of the entire pharmaceutical industry. There is money to be made, lots of it, and we are a greedy species.
I will NEVER say to you do not take a medicine, especially DMT, what I will say is have realistic expectations. Know the facts about what "YOU" are taking. Think three times about what it can and can not do. I read of family members stopping DMT because of the needles. There are alternatives to needles, Tecfidera a twice-daily tablet, Ocrevus an infusion every six months. There are other alternatives, look for them. I did learn when I was taking Interferon Beta 1b that it was best to inject into a fatty part of my body. For years my Mother gave me a needle in the butt. I even had to ask my Uncle once to inject me. Not easy for him, I am sure, but I did not miss my shoot. Honestly, I much rather would have had my Aunty do it, that woman is gorgeous. My theory always was, I hate these needles but I will do them until an alternative comes along. I saw what happened to people who did not have these choices or stopped taking their DMT. I most certainly did not want to go there and after 20+ years I am yet to.
Make your treatment a multi-pronged effort. DM T alone will not make the next twenty, thirty, forty years a total cakewalk. Get some good nutrition into your lifestyle, some exercise some good healthy reading. War stories, fantasy and love stories are cool to read, but maybe something that stretches your mind every now and again is a good idea. Same goes for television and movies. Watch what will build "YOU" up, a little less of what tears "YOU" down. When "YOU" want to be torn down,think "I have a chronic progressive, incurable illness, I am going to live a long time with it". That should do it no need for depressing news.
About now, I will say something that may get me into trouble. "YOU" were warned. I am not any type of medical professional. What I say is for "YOU" to think about, NOT take as a treatment strategy. If "YOU" ignore me I will never k know, so what "YOU" do is up to YOU. DMT, there is research and "YOU" can ask lots of people about its effectiveness. "YOU" can take brain and spinal Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) and count the lesions. Some other types of drugs there is less concrete proof, beyond lots of money being spent. I might suggest that instead of anti-depressants that "YOU" might engage with the world. Of course "YOU" are depressed "YOU" have a brain illness. I will say no more. I will just let "YOU" think about it. Human contact MAY be what "YOU" need. Do not mourn your physical losses, it happens. It is the disease. Remember your past fondly do not be bitter about what is no longer. Time passes, things change, merely a little differently for us.
Ryce (the ms writer)
Your life if "YOU" work at it can be good.