Hello, I have MS (PPMS to be precise), I have noticed a rigidity and stiffness in my left hand for a while however I knew I had arthritis in that hand. Lately, it's gotten much worse and to both hands to the point of not be able to do not only delicate, intricate stuff but even tying a basic knot or bow etc. Also, my hands are getting "claw" like. Does anyone one else have this issue? And if so, what can be done to help?
Stiffness, rigidity, no flexibility and ... - My MSAA Community
Stiffness, rigidity, no flexibility and pain in fingers/hands

Hi Gracy, I too have PPMS and I am affected that way with my right hand. I am interested to be able to read other responses, so far I have learnt to write and do other things , basically become left handed. 😊
I had to become a left hander also. Right hand is close to a claw. Have some use but elbow doesn’t bend well either. Also right leg doesn’t bend and can be a challenge getting into my buddies truck 🛻. A pain that I have learned to deal with. 👍🏼😉🙏🐾🐾🤪
My left hand is or rather was my dominant hand and over time my right hand is starting to give me grief as well. Writing is nearly impossible. Tying laces is a chore and I have learned to do alot more with my right hand...I just hope it will hold out.
Me too 👍🤗
i had a relapse a few years back that made my hands do the claw thing. i started wearing compression gloves. now that i think of it, i got the idea from a ppms'er on youtube who swore by them. i'm not saying i could suddenly do intricate things, but somehow the snugness alleviated the pain and stopped my hands closing all the way.
though i don't currently need them, i keep a pair b/c for me if a symptom shows up once it will eventually return.
I have developed similar over the past 3 yrs. I think mine are spasms not arthritis.
Great idea!
So sorry to all of you! Has anyone tried therapy?
Please talk to your neurologist and report back to us good luck