I’ve had these small, painful bumps come and go for a couple years. They have clear fluid inside and appear on my hands, fingers, lower arms and sometimes my toes. I was diagnosed with MS in 2012, and I’ve begun to wonder if these are autoimmune related. I thought I’d post to see if anyone could relate. Thanks!
Small bumps on fingers, hands, lower arms - My MSAA Community
Small bumps on fingers, hands, lower arms

Have you seen a dermatologist? 😊
I have not seen a dermatologist but intend to. I recently came across information regarding these bumps in conjunction with a couple other skin issues I’ve been experiencing but never put them together. They are temporary, usually disappearing within a few days.

I have those and I mentioned them to my PC at my last visit. She called them the barnacles of life! I have yet to see the dermatologist like she suggested...
Like Carolek572 I have talked to PCs and dermatologist and both have told me same as she says “barnacles of life “. My have lightened up the last few years, my wife had a lot on her feet 🦶 and was told same thing and she didn’t have ms. She would use epson salt and they would go away for a short time but it would relief itching. Ken 🐾🐾
ok, I am not dr.but I think it is ezcema{spelled wrong)My mother had it on both hands and I had and have it on 1 foot,it comes and goes.there is not cure but it can be controlled.very itchy and clear fluid .I found out I had it when I scratched myself to the point,where I gave myself blood septus.it is tied to auto immune,yes
Thank you! I’m going to have it checked out!
I agree. You should see the dermatologist. It may or may not be ms related. I had a skin issue was not ms related was eczema but no fluid inside.

Macksmommy2003 I have them occasionally, they go away quickly. I usually just massage them with good moisturizing lotion.
When I got those I had come into contact with poison sumac & they itched & burned so bad. (Looking at your pics made me feel as if I was looking at my own hands. I haven’t had an issue with this once I stopped messing with weeds of unknown origin.
This was decades before my MS dx. Plus it seems as if this reaction is more of a skin reaction to something. At the time, my Dad was self-employed with no health insurance. So getting it checked out was a no go since it wasn’t life threatening.
So I ran my hands under cold water and that helped with the discomfort - something I can’t do now because my entire body reacts poorly to cold ANYTHING.
Hope you find relief!
I hope you're feeling better. Did you see a dermatologist?
Best Wishes,
Let me know how it goes.