Some members of our family live in states affected by the recent devastating tornadoes. We hold those in the path of dreadful destruction in our hearts and prayers. If you know someone personally, or if someone reads this, please let us know you are safe and how to help. My heart goes out to you.
Tornado Prayers : Some members of our... - My MSAA Community
Tornado Prayers

Thoughts and prayers.

I called Fancy1959 1st thing yesterday morning to make sure her and her family were alright... 😊 They live far enough away to not be affected. My heart goes out to those who are!🙁🤗💕🌠
Thank you! I thought I remembered that Fancy lived in KY. I believe kycmary does as well, several hours north of Nashville, TN. She's posted frequently about the struggles getting their hay barn rebuilt after a tornado last year, so I hope and pray she was spared this time. I'd PM her but I know internet access may have been affected by the storms. My sister lives in St. Louis. When the sirens went off, she and her family went to the basement and remained there for hours, until the all clear. Even those spared major destruction have trees down, roof shingles damaged, and power lines down. This will be a very sad Christmas for far too many.
Mother Nature is really taking a toll on alot of ppl this year for sure! I hope your sister is okay!! 🤗💕🌠
I have been in touch with agapepilgrim and she is fine. The tornado ripped past them thank God, this is such a horrible thing to happen at any time of year. Good thoughtful post goatgal , blessings Jimeka 🤗
the storms did so much damage ...i sure really wonder what is going on ...i know they have some but not like this ...really scary but i guess they are use to one or two but this is so over the top ...many prayers for all to be safe and are just still hiding out or can't get out of the place they are hiding ...i would never ever live where these go on and prayers to all of them ..may they be saved sad for all that have loss their family and friends....many prayers..
Thank you for this kind post to keep them in our thoughts.
I am praying.Leslie
Prayers to everyone🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
🙏 prayers for all those affected.
Prayers for all those affected. Please check in when you can if you haven't already!
I know our country praying and this is awesome group.
Prayers to anyone affected
Prayers to each of them 🙏
so many prayers!!! we lived through 1 of those in2011 in alabama 232 people killed that day in the state,that tornado was on the ground for 8 miles,in our city and flattened was wonderful watching how people came together,from out of state there was at least 200 power trucks parked in our mall parking lot from our state and others and every morning i would watch them leave and try to get the power on.a duracell battery set up a tent building so you could go and charge your phone. tide detergent brought in washers and dryers and they would do them so you could have clean cloths,people were great and the food and water wowza!now in 2021 it is better than ever,never thought that would happen then.people are kind.....
I too experienced a tornado that ripped through our little town of Mena, AR in April of 2009. We lost one person & many houses. It's an eery feeling going through the streets where the tornado hit, even today. It's amazing what wind can do to a tree or a building and then how the people gather together to pray and help each other.
Prayers for those affected by all the tornados.
keeping all those affected in my thoughts.🤗
Agapepilgrim checking in. It was a miracle the tornado did not hit us. All evening it was headed toward our county and Frank told me to stay up and watch the weatherman reports (I don't sleep at night anyway, just listen to my Audible books). He went to sleep. About 2 am the neighbor called and said they were headed for the neighbor church basement (where we go for safety), but I said, no, they just said the path changed and turned north; it is totally missing our county. It was within 20 minutes of our place. I went outside and it was so quite and still, so eerie like being in the eye of a hurricane (which I have been, since grew up in Florida). I suppose a high pressure area or something was around us and blocking the tornado from moving east like was predicted, and it turned north. The sky was like 4th of July. I won't forget that night. I look at my "stuff" of memories around me, precious gifts from loved ones and momentos, and how empty my life would seem if it was all wiped away - and my Bible with so many notes and dates of encouragement. I had the cat's carrier ready to go, and my purse, but that's all. I can't imagine the emotional loss of precious momentos. I know its important that "at least we are alive," but still, health records, financial records; it seems the older I get the more precious the little memories of gifts are important to me to remind me that someone cared, someone loved, and my life hasn't been in vain. .......from a very grateful heart