Hello all! I am new to the site and never thought I would join one. But here I am! I have RRMS and was diagnosed back in 98' and it wasn't something that we really talked about back then. I always kept everything inside. (like the illness) No one understood how I could feel so bad and look so normal. And I never wanted to explain it to them. If I didn't talk about it maybe it wasn't real. Now, life is so different. But I still feel alone in this fight even though I have a great husband, two fantastic children, 4 beautiful grandbabies and a large extended family. Been having a lot of issues lately with mood swings. I can be happy and laughing one min then snap and bit my husband's head off for no reason. It's not far to him that I do that to him and I feel bad for it. I just have no control over it right now. I can't stand feeling that way. We have only been married a little over a year. (Bet he didn't realize he signed up for all that.) He knew going in that I had RRMS and is very supportive. I had test ran to check hormones and stuff and all was good there, so my neurologist changed up my meds AGAIN and put me on Celexa and took me off Cymbalta. Does anyone else deal with this issue? And how do you cope with it and your treatments? I don't want to feel this way!!
New to this!!: Hello all! I am new to the... - My MSAA Community
New to this!!

Hello, I am also fairly new to the site. I find everyone here so friendly and welcoming. It's really nice because others can relate to what I'm going through. Every once in awhile I find myself saying something that I didn't mean to. I think that with some people who have MS we sometimes say things we don't mean or get mad easy. I think it is cognitive changes. Hang in there. Maybe remind your husband that sometimes you say things you don't really mean.
Hi, I agree with Humbrd i went through the change 10 years ago but when I fly off the handle and mood swings, look out. I know it’s ms because I wouldn’t normally say boo to a goose 😂
Celexa helps my rollercoaster moods. But I still apologize several times a month. It’s part of PBA.
I also take Cymbalta and nudexta for PBA but I do have meltdowns. I try to talk slowly and breathe deeply to claim my body to lessen my outbursts. I also do meditation and yoga. You are not alone. Blessings Cynthia
it is hard not to snap when everything becomes challenging and over whelming but tomorrow is a new day i always hang on to that,my hubby i am sure gets tired of my sobbing.he is supportive but hey! what's up with the tears?cymbalta was my miracle med.everyone is different
Cymbalta has been great for me, been on it over 26 years 👍. I still have a few crazy days usually when I am tired and fatigue. I catch myself at those times and remind myself to slow down and take care of ME not everyone else. I use the Serenity prayer 🙏 on those days. Hang in there and turn it over to the Lord for guidance 👍😊🙏 Ken 🐾🐾🇺🇸
i've been on celexa for around 20 years. sometimes a higher dose, now a low dose. i think i helps me. it's subtle but i don't want to not be on it!
Welcome to the group Wifeofwolfe Glad you found this friendly and supportive group of wonderful and caring people! I hope the new rx helps you. I know some meds take longer than others to see the effects. Vent away whenever you need to. Look forward to chatting more.
Welcome! Yes, mood changes seem to be fairly common in MS. I started noticing irritability and anxiety during the past few months and finally asked for some help with it. My PCP has started me on Buspar, which I take as needed. A friend with MS also suggested putting myself in "time out" when I'm not fit to be around. The Buspar seems to be helping with both the anxiety and irritability.
I hope your mood swings are fewer and less severe. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
I try to distance myself with I'm cranky. I've had some crazy mood swings but lately it's not been bad, thank heavens! But when it goes, I go to my art room and family thinks that I'm concentrating on something there - sometimes I am - but it's a good way for me not to be around people when it hits.
just like others said it can be the pits to be like this....i hate it for i make a fool of myself for being nasty ....have to say sorry a lot some days ..i agree i think it is because we are going and doing to much at once and of course getting over heated doesn't help...i try to go find something else to do outside if i can just to get away from the hubby usually is the problem i am having with someone ...hate to be a ....if ya know what i am talking about ...but no one understands what we are going thru or the brain is doing ...use to do everything now have to have help but should be asked first if i need it and if not that can cause some problems...anyway with the ms and age ...it can be bad ...that is why i try to be busy doing something ...love and happiness to all of you to help with this monster that is living in our bodies...take care and try to laugh and smile at any thing ....
It is hard to have Mood swings. I went through some major mental health issues last year. My family Dr and Mental health clinic were no help. I found a private psychiatrist that helped me.
I am struggling with many issues also even had thoughts of offing myself but here I am ... I am starting to see a psychiatrist also I believe it will help put somethings in perspective. Even though things may seem ‘put together’ we as humans are all going through something I try to remember this always and forgive those that lash out towards me by remembering this might me there bad day and try to return love or laughter with hopes of changing that bad day to a better day 💕
I had thoughts of suicide when I was depressed last year. The thoughts really scared me. The thoughts are just your illness lying to you. I notice if I am depressed I can start questioning all my life choices, down to when I got married over 40 years ago. when I look back when I am in a better mood, those thoughts seem ridiculous. Stay with it.