Good morning family. I would hope that everybody is well and looking forward to another exciting week. Driving around yesterday, she who must be obeyed not me driving, I drive to the mailbox and back when I am really lazy and do not feel like walking to the corner. I have not driven a car more than a few hundred meters\feet in a very long time. Anyway as we were driving along I thought about how empty the roads are. It made me a little sad, ms emotions are a terrible thing. Normally I would care less, but today I dwelled on all the pain and discomfort that is happening. Maybe I am growing up or being a little less selfish, who can tell, ms emotions.
i have noticed that our family is getting bigger. It is nice to have new faces, but I wish “YOU” did not have to be here. This illness, Relapsing-Remitting ms (RRms) can be difficult goes on for the rest of your very long life. There is no cure. The medicine that “YOU” take modifies the progression of your disease. For some, it very close to stops it after many years. Others, “YOU” might need to change to get a slowing effect. Disease-Modifying Therapy(DMT) slows the number of attacks that “YOU” may have In a year, “YOU” may have seven attacks instead of ten. Does this make sense to “YOU”, am I using the correct words for it to make sense to “YOU”. However many attacks (exacerbations) that “YOU” experience “YOU” would have had more if “YOU” were not taking DMT. “YOU” have fewer attacks than if “YOU” were not on the DMT, BUT “YOU” still may have attacks. Even when “YOU” take your DMT without exception and religiously. We all should have worked out that needles are not my friend, but I still got injected every other day. I had a technique. Inject, after food, no alcohol and relax after the injection. Like “YOU” I still had the occasional headache so I took antihistamine. I lightly massaged the are and if need be I put a cold pack on the site.
I was careful, methodical and fanatic about my injections. The only time that I may have been a little slack was when I was travelling around the world to visit a young lady. I would not inject in airports or on aeroplanes. That would just cause too much hassle, with security and cabin crew. I am sure from my last MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) that I am not cured, BUT there are fewer lesions in my brain than if I had not taken DMT.
In my twenty-plus years I have taken three different DNTs. She who must be obeyed has done two. Not every medicine is compatible with everybody. Change happens and it is not to be feared. Stopping is the fear that “YOU” should have. Taking a rest lets the disease do as it will with nothing to stop or delay it. This is a degenerative illness, why give it free reign to attack “YOU” with no defences?
Take your DMT forever. Die at 90 with ms, and after having had a great life. Sometimes a little scary but still a great life.
Royce (your ms writer)
smile, have a long and great life and take your DMT