No, I will never be an ms Warrior. My Relapsing-Remitting ms (RRms) will last far too long. The Vietnam war was 10000 days, thirty years. My RRms life I hope will be longer than that. I was diagnosed (dx'ed) around thirty. 29 I think, I intend on living into my late sixties, that is far too long to fight. I will never say give up, surrender, go sit in that cold dark corner and weep. I am saying perhaps, do not be a warrior be a manipulator, a manager. These do not sound strong enough on advertising billboards and thirty second television ads, but my reality says I manage my RRms. Manipulate it and cajole it into letting me doing what I want when I want. Sometimes it lets me, and I am grateful for that. Other times it hits me very hard and says no, "YOU" can not do that. Those are the times when I sneakily find a way around RRms and do what I want anyway or do something else instead. I can be sneaky, a warrior gets beaten in battle. A manager thinks and finds a new way to solve the problem. I do not like losing, she who must be obeyed will attest to that, so I look for another way. Always another way. I do not regret that I can not do something, I revel in the search to solve this new problem. I might suggest that "YOU" might look into doing this as well.
Fight when "YOU" have to, manipulate and trick whenever"YOU" can. RRms is a very long journey, we will lose and pass at the end. Make your time as happy and worthwhile as "YOU" possibly can. Leave a memory in somebodies mind and make that memory one of your strength. Your tenacity, your unwillingness never to totally be defeated. No matter what the odds a way can be found, something can be done. That shape sobbing alone in the cold darkness need never be "YOU". A tear every now and again is okay, but not constantly. There is no need for that, "YOU" are much stronger than "YOU" think. Much stronger than people give "YOU" credit for. A Relapsing-RRms life can be done, by "YOU". There is no need to be a warrior, trickery and careful management can thwart RRms. Disease-Modifying Therapy (dmt) is a good start. I suggest the strongest that "YOU" can legally take. Ocrevus today at writing.
Royce (ms writer and manager)
twenty-plus years only a middle manager