Dr Aaron Boster YouTube 9 Sep 2019 - My MSAA Community

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Dr Aaron Boster YouTube 9 Sep 2019

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G’Day(Hello), My name is Royce and I have Relapsing Remitting ms (RRms) It is my goal to share some of my experience over the last twenty plus years with this condition, with “YOU”. If “YOU” do not have RRms or are an expert this may not be for “YOU”. I am not now, nor have I ever been a medical professional of any sort. Take my words as advice not expert diagnosis. Also I have nothing to sell “YOU” so I do not want your money. A kind word every so often is nice but not mandatory.

My style presents the facts as I understand them, nevertheless I do make mistakes and am far from perfect. I understand that “YOU” are new here, maybe to the family (website) and maybe new to the condition. Get a second opinion, and then maybe a third. Be wary of people’s motivations. Learn to accept that things are different now. The opinion that “YOU” had yesterday may not be the same as “YOU” have tomorrow. This is normal, things change get used to it. Today “YOU” may have just been given a life sentence without parole, change number one. Over your very long life with this illness there will be many many more. Not necessarily crippling, but this is a chronic progressive disease with no cure.

I will suggest to “YOU”, beyond wearing protective under wear in public, that “YOU” travel on over to YouTube. Look up a Dr AAron Boster md of the Ohio ms clinic. A very pleasant neurologist )Neuro) and very knowledgeable. He has a lot of information and is well worth listening to. “YOU” may want to look into his advice prior to your own doctors visit.

Going beyond his medical advice I would strongly suggest that “YOU” look into your mental strength. No not pills, tools that “YOU” may find to strengthen “YOU” in those dark ms moments. I live by the rule, that it is a no no to deliberately harm yourself. It just is against the rules no matter how bad it may get and believe me I have been in very dark places. I imagine being on a beach with waves of pain smashing me into the sand. They hurt but they go away and it is then time to brace for the next wave of pain. I have also learned that crying is much better than holding it in. My tombstone need never say “he was so tough he always held it in” so cry sometimes it is okay it does not make “YOU” weak. Twenty years on I still cry sometimes, just a little.

Royce (The writer)

This IS a very doable disease with lots ofd ups and downs, ride them hang on for dear life, but know that “YOU” can get through them.

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