I do not recall when somebody spoke on this subject so of course, I am going to. Get your minds out of the gutter this is not me bragging or anything pornographic.
As always we preface this by saying I not a doctor of any sort. I am a man with Relapsing-Remitting ms (RRms) Divorced but now in a relationship with She Who Must be Obeyed and have been for 20 plus years. As "YOU' know she also has RRms. So that is the history.
Sex and sexuality is part of our being and our purpose. To keep the species alive and thriving. With ms it has one or two or three issues. Vaginal dryness, lack of erections, no desire. "YOU" can name lots of other problems I am sure. Sex and intimacy are a part of our lives as adults. It does require a lot of careful maneuvering, not just physically but mentally. Here I hesitate to say, but the most stable couples that I know are those of dual ms couples. They both understand and are willing to forgo immediate pleasure for closer intimacy and accept a great deal more humour.
Sex does not have to end with a diagnosis (DX) of ms, there are lots of women who have children after being Dxd with RRms, I know of a young lady that had three, years back, so it is possible.
In your relationship, I feel it may be more important to have a very strong mutual understanding of what ms is and a really weird sense of humour also never hurts.
It is possible to be sexual and to have sex with ms. It is possible to have sexuality. Lookup a few good dictionaries and learn the meaning of the words. Then how they apply to "YOU.
you can still be a sexual being, it is not all just a good wiggle and tight jeans