Rome was not built in a day, the Great Walk took many years to build, the same goes for the Great Pyramid of Giza. No my sisters, brothers pretty much nothing of any value that our species has done was done in a day. As for destruction we can do that very quickly but cleaning up the mess and rebuilding takes time. So true for our illness it appears quickly, but I would not bet that. In your studies about our illness I am sure that you have found that ms attacks are actually very small damage done repeatedly to an area until it actually causes a symptom that we start to notice. That slight stumble or foot droop that leads to an inability to walk in a straight line, run, jump. It all adds up together. I believe that doctors call it “invisible symptoms” Bit by bit ms is causing it’s mischief in our bodies. This is why we take Disease Modifying Therapies (DMT) as distasteful as “YOU” may feel they are they are proven to slow down disease movement. Not diet exercise strange concoctions or any strange magical therapy in a clinic somewhere. NO, I am sorry it is DMT. Learn to accept it, hate it, despise and loathe it, but start taking it and keep taking it as if your life depended upon it. Certainly not life or death but quality of life. That ability to be at your childs wedding in twenty years, to walk her down the aisle.
This is not a short term quick fix, two aspirins and a nap illness. It is lifelong, plan for that and act accordingly. Everything that “YOU” do today right now should be looked at as how it it going to effect me later, BE IT FIVE MINUTES, ONE HOUR A WEEK OR TEN YEARS. That is why “YOU” start your DMT sooner rather than later. Do not wait and see, waiting is not your friend. ms loves “YOU” to procrastinate, put off treatment for another day, to wait and see. What “YOU” wait and see may not be what “YOU” want to see so why wait?
Take action NOW. Wipe away those tears, straighten yourself and start doing what needs to be dome so that “YOU walk that child down the aisle in twenty years time at her wedding.
DMT diet exercise not smoking drinking less some stretching positive reading etc, start helping yourself to exist with a chronic incurable condition. Do NOT just wait and see.
Royce (the tortured writer)