It's shark week, so the morning paper has some statistics about sharks. One of the categories is Number of Americans killed each year by … sharks 1, selfies 2, black widow spiders 3, horses 20, cows 20, dogs 28, lightning 49, bees/wasps/hornets 58, ladders 113, deer 120. I am particularly impressed by the visciousness of ladders and deer. Just imagine: almost everyone permits a ladder to live in the house or garage, and encourages children to love Bambi. Time to rethink our fear of sharks thanks to the power of statistics! As I share my place with black widows, dogs, bees/wasps/hornets, ladders and the occasional deer, and as we are treated to amazing displays of lightning, I am evidently in nearly constant jeopardy. Good thing I don't have horse or cows...though some of these violent creatures reside nearby. In fact, when Molly and I were going to the dump yesterday morning, some of Mr Pryor's young heifers were strolling down the road. I fussed at Molly for barking but she was apparently warning me of danger!
Just for you jesmcd2: It's shark week, so... - My MSAA Community
Just for you jesmcd2

Thanks for the guffaw!! Ha!
I worry about none of that...I worry more about Antifa and no longer living in the USA with my right to be who I am, to vote, go to school, to marry who I want, practice the cult religion I want, etc.
Did you know lightning can and does hit ground or whatever miles from the cloud of origination!! I worry I will be struck as I am prone to watch lightning displays whenever they are about!!
Thank you for this bit of information!!
😂 Thanks, that is interesting information!
I wonder what the stats are on people acting stupid in no acting stupid zones...there is an award system for these people...It's called The Darwin Award. I suspect many of those ladders were falsely accused. 😁
I was an insurance adjuster for twenty one years and that’s one thing insurance covers is stupidity 🤬 That’s why prices are so high. Ken 🐾🐾
Mmmm, i was an adjuster for 30 yrs. A lot of wisdom gleaned.
Agree, sometimes human error. Also the improbability of things happening, like flooding where it NEVER flooded before & other things you never saw coming.
Find my self with hidden water damage collapsing my kitchen counter along other things. , ins denied for wear and tear (holes in brick wall and rotten out window casings. etc) and my HOA refusing to fix their bldg. I cant fix my damage until source of water remedied
Going on 8 mos. Oh yes hip replacement surgery Oct. HOA still didnt care.Had to get attorney, they didnt understand, failure to respond in a timely manner. Breach of contract, fiduciary duty etc.
Doesn't help stress levels.
But still have roof over head . Waiting for atty evaluation.
😲, what a surprise on stats🤷🏼♂️. Ken 🐾🐾
I've always suspected ladders and cows.
"I am particularly impressed by the visciousness of ladders and deer"🤣
Peruzzot thinks ladders may often be falsely accused. Cows though, I'm not so sure. Those I have known can swing a mean tail despite their big brown eyes. As for deer, I'm fond of those named venison and sausage.
I call them "Tricky Hamburger".
You mean 'ticky hamburger' ?
I will mention this to my sister who regularly has tick burgers for dinner.She says it leaner & healthier than regular beef.
I don't know if I should take her advice on diet. She called me early yesterday morning while out on her morning health walk. I heard a loud crinkly noise and told her she needs a new phone.
"Oh,no. That's just an Egg McMuffin wrapper."🤣🤣
the real danger
Glad to see cats weren't on the list as I have 4! Glad the ladders stay mostly in the basement. The deer, however, get close. If I had known this ahead of time, I wouldn't have let that fawn lick my hand!
Hahaha! Lovely, thanks for making us all laugh. 😂 🤣
I guess i really am in danger,I can't move quick enough to get away from any of those things,now give me a snail i'll bet I can beat it.the only danger I have with ladders is if I walk by one leaning against a structure and it falls on me.
My husband is terrified of sharks, so this is very helpful, thanks!

Wow, and not a mention of dust bunnies or dirt devils. I believe that this news article is slanted wrongly against sharks! I also heard on the Discovery Channel yesterday that humans are responsible for the deaths of 100 million sharks annually.
I love to read statistics thanks for sharing even thou some are dangerous I took the flyswatter in & showed it to my yellow ladder told it mamaw's know how to deal with temper tantrums!
I use to take It when the kids got rowdy including the dog we had then, if cookies were being handed out he got 1 so if swats were happening he got 1 too. Worked pretty good then we didn't have this ladder thou ...