Vitamin D toxicity: I've been taking... - My MSAA Community

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Vitamin D toxicity

mhansenm1 profile image
13 Replies

I've been taking vitamin d supplements for a while now. In the winter time I take 10000 IU in the summertime 5000 IU. But I am suspecting that I might be overdoing it and reaching the toxicity level. I know I should go in for a blood test and I'll check with my last one to see if it monitored that at all. But the problem I'm running into is my shoulders become very sore by morning and usually wakes me up early when I take vitamin d at night before bed. I've also run into that with vitamin c powder I was taking for UTIs. I used to think what the heck they're just vitamins my body should pass them? And I read and I found out that this is not necessarily true. Vitamin d get stored in your fat cells I'm vitamin c doesn't necessarily get thrown off or past all the time. Any experience that can be shared with me at this time would be much appreciated.

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mhansenm1 profile image
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13 Replies
RoyceNewton profile image

blood test to test your levels might be an idea,

greaterexp profile image

It’s really Important to go over all vitamins and supplements with your doctor for many reasons. Some can be toxic, but with others you may be paying for expensive urine. We sure don’t need interactions along with our other issues.

There is an organisation called the vitamin D council who advise re doses of vitamin d and give out lots of interesting information re the vitamin.Toxicity is very very rare, theoretical rather than seen in patients. There was one case of a baby being toxic a couple of years ago due to a brand of the vitamin getting the dose in its formulation very wrong but I think that is the only known case.There have been some case of people taking huge amounts of vitamin D as a deliberate overdose but it has not done them any harm. However unless you were deficient you probably have been taking more than you need. I take 5000 iu with vitamin K2 in the winter and just enjoy the sunshine in the summer. I was prescribed 10,000 when deficient a few years back. Your doctor might do a blood test for you. I have found there is little point discussing vitmains with mainstream doctors as they have very little knowledge. Sadly it is not something they study and a lot of them discourage as they see vitamins as alternative, rather than something to complement health.

ahrogers profile image

My first neuro had me take 5k a day because my level was low at diagnosis even though I had a history of kidney stones. Somewhere around 9 months in of taking that dose I got a bladder stone. I had recently switched urologists so when I told him he had me back down to 2k per day. The fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D and E do get stored and the excess water soluble usually get flushed through your system but I would think even water soluble could have high levels if taken in high quantities every day. Other than the increase in kidney stones I am not sure what symptoms of toxicity are for vitamin D. It would be interesting to hear what your level is and if your neuro thinks it has anything to do with your symptoms.

As far as I know there are no studies that have looked at how vitamin D suppmementation affects MS. When I was diagnosed in 2014 my neuro said they know people with normal vitamin D levels do better with their MS than those with low levels but that doesn't necessarily mean supplementing those with low levels will create the same effect but since it is easy to supplement to get levels normal they do. I know MS is more common further from the equator where there is less sun and likely people have lower vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D is the only vitamin I take unless I feel a cold coming on then I suck on Cold Ease lozenges for the zinc since zinc has been shown to shorten the course and severity of colds in clinical trials, it certainly works great for me. I eat a variety of foods and mostly fresh foods not processed so get the vitamins I need there. I don't eat much dairy and stay out of the sun due to skin cancers so don't get enough vitamin D.

Good luck, I hope you figure out the cause and feel better soon!

IFwczs profile image

I once truly overdosed on vitamin D. My former PCP decided to give me a once-a-month prescription for vitamin D of 50k. I developed such vicious headache (not like your regular headache) that I was crying all the time because of it and was convinced I had a brain tumor. After a number of doctor's visits and a negative CT scan, I started to research the issue on the Internet and figured out it was vitamin D overdose. My former PCP told me there was no such thing. But when I stopped that dose of vitamin D, my weird headache stopped.

rjoneslaw profile image

your levels should be tested

Jazzihorsecat profile image

Yes, mhansen, Vit.D3 suppliments are fat soluable, I kinda went to toxicity levels of 10,000 iu's to 20,000 iu's a day, so I toned it back down to 5,000 iu's every other 2 days & my pains in my shoulders & arms went away, & as for Vitamin C's, they are water soluable, & only absorb 1,000 every 15 to 30 mins., so u cannot overdose or toxify Vitamin C's, unless they are not all natural, or organic w/ rose hips & bioflavanoids, the toxicity is from added sugars, & chem's., make sure they have the above w/ no known additives k., Many Blessings For Ya!🙏💐


Kitsey profile image

I would definitely get a blood test done to see your level of vitamin D. I have been taking 10,000iu for years and haven’t had any problems. Everyone is different so please get it checked.

anaishunter profile image

You should get tested. Too much Vitamin D can create another range of serious issues. when I got diagnosed with MS last year, blood tests included Vitamin D and it was quite low. The neuro put me right away on Vitamin D 10,000/ day. 6-month check then showed it too high so I'm now down to 5,000.

mhansenm1 profile image

Thank you guys so much for your knowledge and experience with supplements. The vitamin c I was taking is L ascorbic acid 99% pure with no additives but I was taking too much it comes in a powder form and I was taking a tablespoon a day to prevent UTIs and it worked. But after a while I did start having problems with extreme shoulder pains and dry skin with rashes. I'm down to about a half a teaspoon a day now mixed with tumeric and black pepper. We will see how this works so far some of my symptoms have been going away. But I'll still have my blood tested.

kdali profile image

High dosing of vitamin D should never be done without consideration of calcium (this is what eventually becomes toxic and I believe the bad sign is facial twitching), vitamin K2, and also routine lab values. In my experience, I used the same amounts as you or more and finally made it to 72; but I did not eat dairy, or take a vitamin with calcium in it, and I took k2 twice daily. I was on higher dosing during my last pregnancy and taking prenatals with no issue. Right now I take nothing but my prenatal and will have a level checked again in a few months.

Hope this helps!

mrsmike9 profile image

At my last neuro check (blood test always before) my D level was 2 or 3 points away from the very top "good" level. I had been taking 5000/day. It was cut down to 2000/day. Yes, you can overdo it!

eharoot profile image

get your level tested then you can know what's up with that at least

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