Does anyone have a feeling of constant burning in the urethra area? I’ve had it forever and I take macrodantin antibiotics because I’m terrified to get a really super bad uti. I’ve had a cystoscopey last year and the urologist said the lining is looks normal. I just started my Ocrevus and I’m afraid because my immune system is now weakened.
Bladder infection : Does anyone have a... - My MSAA Community
Bladder infection

Yes, I’ve had it on and off for years. Even if UAs were normal, I still felt the mild burning sensation. I was told that it may be related to MS, but not always. However, unless your MD has prescribed Macrodantin, I wouldn’t take antibiotics without your clinician’s consent. I know the feeling of being frightened to tolerate another possible UTI that may rapidly get out of hand, but more antibiotics is definitely not better. Antibiotics should be used only as needed. Some docs prescribe the one pill at bedtime for prophylactic purposes...that’s your choice. I’m just not an advocate for meds and use any with caution including OTCs. You might want to ask your doc about stopping antibiotics prior to receiving Ocrevus therapy. I think you have to stop at least two weeks or so before the infusion date.
What helped me was changing soaps and detergents to hypoallergenic and wearing comfortable cotton clothing, minimizing caffeine intake and adequate fluid intake (no sugary beverages). I can’t drink cranberry juice, but many have good results incorporating it into daily intake. There are oral tablets, too. Once in awhile I still get it, but it doesn’t last for more than a day or so. This tells me that it may be related to something modifiable of which I have control. Nevertheless, I’m usually on my guard for risk for a UTI with my history. Hope this helps...🦋🌺
thank you!!
Yvw...just wanted to add that an apple cider vinegar and water solution works very well for me, too...symptoms are usually resolved quickly. You need to find what works for you as far as strength, but I just use a splash or two added to a small container of warm water. It is use as a wash only in that, not ingested. And yes, my docs (urologist and gyn) approve, too.
Only wear cotton panties. Get rid of any nylon or other fabric panties. Cotton panties breath nylon and such doesnt. I use to get uti's alot. Then I switched to cotton undies. Haven't had one since. Cranberry juice helps too. Prayers.
I would recommend you take some probiotics as well. These are good bacteria that help to fight other bacteria causing infections such as UTIs and bladder infections. Probiotics provide relief from all sorts of health conditions including supporting digestion and balancing gut flora. Yogurts, kefir and fermented milk can be used as sources of probiotics but also you might want to check out probiotic supplements. One which I can recommend is Flourish Probiotics by Eu Natural. This is a natural combination of healthy bacteria that will help in your condition and can stop the spread of the infection.
Remember to drink as much water as you can. This is crucial for UTIs
thank you very much for the info. purchased some probiotic capsules from the local health food store.