Dear friends, I came home yesterday and though I find it good in some ways to be here (unlike the rehab home, it is quiet all night long, and the dogs are here, obviously glad to have me home) but I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of what lies ahead. In order to do anything, I must transition from the wheelchair to the knee scooter. Unfortunately, my working leg (I can no longer call it my good leg) fatigues very quickly and the arthritic knee is tender, so by the time I work the knee scooter around to position myself standing, the working leg is beginning to shake which means I must quickly get back to the wheelchair to sit down. Only to begin the process over again if I want to finish a task or start a new one. On the knee scooter, because I must approach the stove, the sink, the toilet, the easy chair with my good leg next to the object, there is much working back and forth to get in position. I am grateful for the Medicare benefits I used, but I wasn't as ready as PT assumed I would be to be to be here alone and really very compromised. Fortunately, I am a tough old bird I should get through this. If I can figure out a way to feed myself (if someone will get to the market for me I'm thinking microwaved everything), and ignore the pile of laundry and the dishes that need doing, I will be cautious moving about, conserve my energy, and slog through. Thanks for listening. Now I'm going to see if the grabber can get the instant oatmeal out of the cupboard, feed the dogs, then see if I can feed myself, and start my day. Slowly, I don't know if I've every felt so weary. Of everything.
wish me luck 2: Dear friends, I came home... - My MSAA Community
wish me luck 2

Welcome back home. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. ❤🌷

Coming back home is a big adjustment goatgal so give yourself a break and time! It will happen, when your body figures out that it's ok not to go full speed ahead! Call on your neighbors to help you for the next CPL days.
Glad you got to go home! Just go slowly, there should be no rush.
Take care of yourself!
It sounds scary and overwhelming! Is there anyone coming to check on you? I wish we lived closer.
kdali A friend came over this noon bringing lunch and something for supper later. I feel a little less overwhelmed. Thank you and everyone else for all the good ideas and support. I feel less alone.
Thank goodness! Were you able to get the fur babies squared away?
kdali The dogs are glad to have me home though they are a little intimidated by the wheelchair and scooter. But so am I (especially the latter). I see the surgeon on 11/8 and maybe I can toe touch afterwards. That will make everything sooo much easier. Though the cast is off, the boot is heavy, bulky and very awkward and I hope it will be replaced by something less so. And at my age, with MS, doing everything on one leg is a challenge.
Yes!!!! And that’s soon too! Just don’t get greedy with the toe touches, it ends with pain and swelling. You really are rocking this life challenge! 🙌🏻🕺👏 Glad to hear everyone’s basics are being met.
kdali Thank you. In both rehab and the hospital I was filled with admiration for RNs like you. They were knowledgeable, wise, and very supportive. I have vowed to walk in to the second floor of Henrico Doctor's ortho and to Unit 2 at Beth Sholom with goodies for the staff and thank you cards. It is hard to keep track of names when groggy during treatment and recovery, but I made notes so I could acknowledge my heroes. I promise not to bear weight or toe touch too soon. My biggest fear here is that I lose balance on my one good leg and put the other down to stabilize me...and somehow undo all the healing that has so far been accomplished. I am being very cautious and careful and stay constantly aware that the plate holding everything together lies just under the outside of the right ankle. There is almost no margin for my error at that site! If/when I can walk again, I will always be aware of how I am held together with nuts and bolts! I may have to become Ms. Robot rather than Goat Gal since I seem not to be as agile as a goat.
They have probably seen young healthy people limited to one leg with less grace and resolve 🤗 They would probably loooove that! I hope they didn’t forget to put in some super powers during surgery! 🤖 🐐 Goatbot? 🤣
Welcome Home!! I can "Hear" the frustration in your words, but, look how far you have come! PT always seems to take SO long, but I have faith in you - you got this!
Juliew19673 Thank you. The rehab facility said not to worry, that I would have help today. I was skeptical since it is the weekend and no surprise, I was right. No one appeared to change incision dressing or do PT, but a friend stopped in this morning and another brought me lunch and so far, so good. And gosh knows, going from wheelchair to knee scooter to wheelchair to scooter on and on is probably sufficient exercise!
Welcome, home! Cut yourself some slack - you are on a roll now and don't think you need to accomplish everything at once! I am like Lois - there is help out there and you should be able to qualify for it!

Do you have access to a grocery service like pea pod here in New England where you can order groceries online and they deliver? Can PT or visiting nurse recommend a service that can assist you with every day chores like laundry and cooking? Please take up all offers from family, neighbor and friends while you are recooperating.
Keep Smiling and Stay Strong,
carolek572 No grocery store in this region will deliver far out from town. I am about 42 miles from Richmond and close to 30 from Charlottesville. As for recommendations, if the home health aide or PT ever show up (no contact in any mode as yet), I will ask. I was thinking about Blue Apron or Hello Fresh or something similar, but these services still would require standing on one leg for longer than I am comfortable. But perhaps when I can stand to chop vegetables or cook on the stove top this will be a solution. I'll keep everyone posted.
Ok, and as kdali mentioned, I wish that I lived closer to you. I live in MA and all mentioned suggestions, I have access to. Please take good care of yourself.
carolek572 You're a dear and I'm very appreciative. I am feeling more confident this afternoon because of knowing first, that I am not alone, two, that the MS family is so supportive and non judgmental, and three, that you all believe I can be here on safely on my own. With all of you propping me up, I feel I may be strong enough to rise to the challenge.
You take it very easy and be very careful not to overdo things to quickly.
Praying you get better soon.
Glad you are home goatgal Try to take it easy and not overdo it. Saw some great suggestions, so use them all if you can. Hopefully, PT will call you tomorrow. Keep us updated and gentle hugs your way!
Coming back home is a big accomplishment! Take one step at a time and never be ashamed
to ask for help.
Kind Regards,
I am happy you are home goatgal. With all the suggestions the others have offered I know you will do fine. Please keep us posted. 😀❤️
goatgal do you have any neighbors close by who would be able to help? Or maybe a church?
kycmary I am surrounded by good neighbors. All of them have jobs, in addition to taking care of their own rural places. I feel truly blessed. One neighbor was here today preparing food for me to heat up. She stood at the stove (which I can't do yet). Another neighbor stopped on her way home from work yesterday to do marketing for me; tomorrow she is coming to plant daffodil bulbs that I ordered before I fell. Her husband called this morning to see if I had trash to haul to the dump. I've hired another neighbor to come every morning to feed the chickens; I sent a message to another neighbor (who drives the school bus) to see if she has an interest in some extra work, helping me with cleaning and laundry. The biggest difficulty I have is dealing with another of my character flaws: the feeling that to ask for help is an imposition learning to ask for help when I need it. I am practicing ways to gracefully accept these gifts that have been so freely given.
I am so happy for you & pray you recover back to your self.
kycmary It's a beautiful day today (even if I am stuck inside). From my front window I watch my neighbor planting daffodil bulbs for me, my dogs frisking about in the sunshine...and though I feel awfully guilty that I can't be out there pitching in or (better yet) doing it myself, I figure this is the world's way of teaching me how to be humble and grateful. I have much to pay back or pay forward. Thank you for the good wishes.
Hi. How are you feeling today? Happy Halloween! 🎃❤🌷
RoseySawyer So sweet of you to ask! My spirits are good, the weather is beautiful, both of which are helping me be patient. Today I am working on getting a shower. My last one was last week in rehab. Rehab sent me home on Friday with no order for in home care...which (now that I know the definition for the service I need) is what I need. Nursing (which I don't need) was ordered as well as OT (which I also don't need)...but I do need someone to assist me or hose me off! I've left messages, but it may be tomorrow before I get a call back...and in the meantime I'll continue to wipe myself down and pretend I'm camping out! Enjoy the ghosts, goblins, and other visitors tonight.
Yep thinking about it when it is time to slow down He does get our attention one way or another. I wish I lived closer so I could help I try to pay to forward for all the help I have received. in Christs love Mary