ms will require the most from you. Far more than you ever thought You had to give, far more than YOU ever thought YOU could give. Let me tell You Now. Within You are depths, reservoirs that special something, that will get YOU through. Over any hurdle. Around any obstacle. ms will try YOU. ms will test You like YOU have never been tested, but YOU CAN, YOU can always, give yourself time, kindness and have the confidence within YOU that YOU CAN. Then just wait and smile. YOU were not sure at first, but YOU DID it and YOU can do it again.
YES, YOU DID, and now that YOU have done it once, why not try to do it AGAIN, and AGAIN,
Pretty soon you will realize that YOU have lots and LOTS of successes. YOU will say to yourself "if YOU could do that back then. YOU CAN do this now" and You CAN do it again and again as much as YOU need to.
Build on every success and put it in the bank of you and fill your bank sky high. One day YOU may need to make a withdrawal, so make sure that YOU have successes to draw on. The more the better.
Let YOURSELF succeed, do it again and again, never stop. Hold YOUR head high and DO it. This is a DOABLE illness, all it requires is YOU. The successful YOU that YOU are becoming.
ms is a sneaky inconvenience but with the right tools, YOU will NEVER be beaten, NEVER.
its just s speedbump in the road, I CAN do this and so can YOU, yes YOU.