How do "YOU" cope? How do "YOU GET through it?
Asked those questions of myself many times. Especially at 3 am sleepless and in untreatable pain from Trigeminal Neuralgia. I did actually treat it I kept overdosing on opioids. I do recommend against this as the pain never subsided I just ended up in an ER scaring everybody, though admittedly it was interesting to watch.
So how do I/"YOU" cope? I made a rule, I personally like rules they give a person some sort of guidance and stability, even if I do make the rule myself. Maybe a little silly, but so is ms. ms wants to take away my stability. Knowing that every morning I leap out of bed, clean my teeth drink my coffee kiss the children and go sit at my desk moving paper for eight hours. ms takes this away, so "YOU" see the point in making rules for yourself... "You" can change them ignore them whatever suits "YOU", as they are your rules. Your foundation, your stability. That is how I cope. I give myself rules, guidelines to follow. With a topsy-turvy mischevious illness, I have something firm to hold on to.
How do"YOU" get through it? Really rather easy when "YOU" give yourself a moment of quietness and just think about it. "YOU" get through it because of the most important rule. "YOU" can not deliberately hurt yourself, accidentally yes but deliberately NO that is against the rules. Now having laid on the floor with paramedics buzzing around me I fully understand accidentally. Let me assure "YOU" that I never meant to be on the floor, just for the pain to stop. The way I eventually found was to give somebody else clear written instructions on how to dose me, and to learn other techniques for slightly minimizing the pain. Meditation, visualization things like that. It did not stop the pain but it made it a little easier to cope with sometimes. Nothing is ever really perfect.
This is a tricksy, mischevious condition. "YOU" have to find your own techniques to handle the obstacles that it will put in front of "YOU". Some of us will barge through like a tank, some will ignore it and hide from it, others will stop think and ask themselves, what am I willing to give up, how important is this to me and how can I get around this obstacle. ms might be tricksy but "YOU" can be as well. Maybe that is a good rule to make yours.
I mades rules, I coped so can "YOU"