I showed my Dr my feet and how cold they were and red.She did blood work and my Ana test came back positive. I don't go back to the Dr until the end of Mar. She said it could be poor circulation or an auto-immune disease called something. I can't remember what it is called. Since I can't remember w0hat it is called I can't research it. Does anyone else have this problem. Can you tell me what it is called?
Red to purple feet that stay cold - My MSAA Community
Red to purple feet that stay cold
Does Raynaud's sound familiar? The symptoms are commonly linked to lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease affecting glands. I am familiar with autoimmune symptoms since my first diagnosis (which was incorrect) was Giant Cell Arteritis. I, too, suffer with extremely cold hands and feet. Best of luck!
Hi cljones, I have the same problem and it more in my hands than my feet. Don't get me wrong my feet has it too but i deal with it more on my hands. I asked the same question a month ago and like micheleinnaples I was told to ask the doctor about Raynaud's. It is what I have. I've had it for maybe 2 year and the doctors never said what it was or seemed concerned becaue they never seen it at the time when I was going on. I asked about it on here and found out from some great people that is what I had. I looked it up and wow I couldn't believe I finally had a name to my craziness. All I do is wear thick socks and gloves all the time. I run my hands under lukewarm water to get my fingers back to normal fast.
good luck on your research and best of luck to you.
Raynauds, feet red, hands red or white, can hurt, yes I have
Oh, that sounds so much more uncomfortable. I hope you all can find some relief. With the numbness/tingling I have in my feet, I spent quite a bit of time with heating pads on my feet. A warm bath seems to take all of it away for just a little while. Please try to keep fighting.
I have it, but my hands and feet get hot, not usually cold. Crazy!
I do. My circulation & blood tests were normal. Also have Raynauds - that seems more temperature related (live in MN). Within 15 minutes of either being on my feet or not have having them elevated while sitting - it kicks in. Just pointed it out again to my family earlier tonight. Does anyone remember the travel pads we had as kids with the clear plastic sheet and plastic pencil that we could draw on - then lift the sheet & the picture would be gone? Can’t think of the name. I can do that on my feet (figured it out yesterday). Showed my family tonight and told them I am special🤣 -Kris
Magic Plate, red with plastic that lifed up and erased sketch 👍 Remember it well. Was lots of fun and didn’t waste paper 📝. Also Etch a Sketch 🤷🏼♂️🐾🐩🐕🐶😉 Ken
Yes Kris, I remember those travel pads. I can’t think of the name either. I always liked pulling up the plastic sheet. Thanks for the memory.
Etch a Sketch 😜 You could use the nobs or pencil ✏️. Also there is the scratch pad you used special pencil and lift the paper and it erased it and start again. They still make both 👍 The old one was “Magic Plate”. 😁🙏🐩🐕🐶🐾Ken
Raynaud disease causes blue feet, have it.
That may be a false +ANA
MS will cause false +s
Mine is
There are further confirmatory tests foe lupus the hat need to be done
Raynauds is often associated with lupus but can occur without lupus
Yeah agree with erash if ANA positive, other tests need to be done to try & clarify what auto immune condition your symptoms may be related too. Good luck, hope you get n answer soon 👍🏻
A positive ANA could mean Lupus. Sjogren's Syndrome or even go as far as MS. Raynaud's syndrome could be a huge factor, too.
Hi, I have this feeling as well, but I was diagnosed with Ms and nuerothy!!! Actually, experiencing this as I respond. But, can you imagine all over your body the pain that's what I feel. My ankles, and feet are discolored and swollen only. I will pray for you and always myself.
Your doctor may be talking about raynodes, I have it for over 50 years it should affect other parts of you wen they get cold, your extremities, fingers, hands, feet. Not much they can do for it, just try to keep them warm