Venting here a bit.. Grrr
Went to see the ENT yesterday and was a complete waste of my time. The Dr ok let's just call him Doogie Hooser remember that show? I'm sure he is a great dr but he looked no older than my youngest daughter who is 24! He then proceeded to tell me that the noise will go away when l cut back on caffeine and salt :/ l dont do either... so Dr Doogie what else ya got...
He doesn't know.. He then tells me ppl my age :/ just turned 51 remember?Grrrrr Start losing their hearing... But... then tells me that it's not bad enough for an aid anyway. And l wouldn't be able to get it there because of my insurance... Dr Doogie is about to get slugged.
So on a whim l ask... could it be ms related? He jumped on that answer n said yes... lm talking to my nero. I don't believe dr Doogie sry. OK lm done sry lol
Oh yeah an my guy came home last night yeah!