Update: Hi guys! I had an update I wanted... - My MSAA Community

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rlh1974 profile image
27 Replies

Hi guys! I had an update I wanted to write. But I started looking at everyones posts and started responding, ow I can't remember what I was going to update about!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR! So I guess I am writing to say I forgot. Welcome to MS I guess.

When I remember, I will wrote a real update. I could use all of your prayers. I woke up in an awful amount of pain today. Only made it through 15 minutes of PT before I called my wife to pick me up. The humidity is making me sick. So all my lovelies. If you could pray. I would be most grateful. As I am grateful for all of you! You all put a smile on my face every day!

Love you all,


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rlh1974 profile image
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27 Replies
WAshingtongirl profile image

Praying you feel better, rlh1974 . 💕

greaterexp profile image


I'm sorry about the increase in pain. What a hard way to start the day. I'm praying and will keep it up!

melack01 profile image

Praying for you rlh1974

Karen-x profile image

I will continue to pray for you. Its not fun to wake up in pain. It just makes the day hard to recover, as hard as you might try.

Give us the update when you remember. You sure your just not crazy? 😎😁

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Karen-x

Karen-x Just crazy

SueAB profile image

@rlh1974 , So sorry that you are having a hard day, but you sure put a smile on my face when you referred to us as "Your lovelies"! I am almost 70 years old and even the love of my life doesn't refer to me as one of his lovelies"! Remember DEGU - Don't Ever Give Up!

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to SueAB

SueAB I am happy I made you smile!

Morllyn profile image

Good thoughts coming your way rlh1974 !

rlh1974 profile image

You are all great! I am thankful that even when feeling poor, I can make some of you smile! That makes my day amazing! I love making people smile!

Keep Smiling !

Doubled51 profile image

The only good thing about waking up in pain is the fact that you woke. Lol. Prayers your way my friend. God bless

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Doubled51

Doubled51 Now that is funny! I thought I was the witty one! ;)

You are correct. However. Those of you that believe as I. I wouldn't mind a down payment on that heavenly body! HA!


Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to rlh1974

Amen to that. I know my healing is coming. In this world or the next.

jimeka profile image

Rob, you bless us all with your wit. Even when you are down and out, you still have time to share and brighten someone else's day. You have a purpose in life, it may not always feel like it, but bringing a smile to one person's life, that's an achievement, so be proud of yourself, and keep smiling. Blessings Jimeka 🌈 🦋 🤗 🍫

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to jimeka

jimeka you are a huge blessing to this site. I love talking with you via email and seeing your uplifting stories. Thanks for always thinking of all of us!


goatgal profile image

rih1074 I am holding you in the light.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to goatgal

goatgal I don't know where I would be without all of you!



SlmHarris profile image

Hang in there! We are like the little train. We are the brain. I can do this, I can do this...

It is very tiring just going back and forth to therapy. I was having to go and the round trip of driving was an hour. I wasn't even driving but after 3 days a week I was exhausted.

I get hone health PT. There has been times home health can not provide so I had to go to rehab at the hospital.

Hang in there! You can do it!

Be proud Laugh alot smile!

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to SlmHarris

SlmHarris We haven't met. But Thanks so much for sharing. I am grateful my new friend!

And those of you who do know me, I have that Boston cocky still left in me from growing up there, Couple that with a Chicago attitude and I have no problem being proud! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Laughing is sometime hard.

It sounds like you have an awful time for PT, I bet it just wipes you out. I am blessed that my PT place is like six blocks away and they pick up and drive me. I will keep you in my prayers. PM me if you ever need, I am always around!

Take care my new friend!


CalfeeChick profile image

Sending prayers your way Rob. Might just be time to stay in and forget the physical therapy at this time. Perhaps there's things you could do at home that would help you. Help you to simulate the physical therapy at your own level and stay out of the humidity at the same time. 👍 Lynn

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to CalfeeChick

CalfeeChick As you know, We all have good days and bad, or good weeks and bad. The last couple have just sucked in just about all ways. Wife and I are squabbling a little bit. Pain is awful. House still isn't done. You know, This thing called life with MS. I appreciate you chiming in Lynn. I love talking to all of you! I wish this this had a group video chat function. I would only have to get dressed from the waste up like work conference calls! HA! I crack myself UP! ;) Anyway, I would love to have group chats with all of my lovelies! You all mean so much to me. You encouragement and humor. Your stories help me know I am not alone. Oh Crap! Emotions! AHHHHHHHHHHHH Next subject!

Have a great day Lynn,


CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to rlh1974

Thanks Rob, I am in what I think is my first phuesoexastperation. I know I didn't spell it right, and am sorry. Family was visiting, arguments over ?? and they have moved on to other relatives. thank goodness for this forum..

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to CalfeeChick

CalfeeChick Family can be a real pain in the a&* Glad they are gone and now you can get through this in peace!

Take care of yourself!


kdali profile image


Feel better!

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to kdali

If that don't make you feel better there's no hope. So many things in there remind me of my great grand daughter who just turned 1 year old this month. Especially the cake. She couldn't figure out what to do so my granddaughter just pushed her face in it a little then she had no problem tearing into it. Lol.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to kdali

kdali I love babies! I can't think of what I love more! This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing!


jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to kdali

Thank you, I do if no one else does, blessings Jimeka 🌈 🦋 👍

jennie62 profile image


Hugs and prayers to you! The baby videos gave me the smiles I needed today, I hope you got the same big smiles and laughs too. Being you included me as one of your lovelies really helped a lot! Thank you Rob for the smile-I hope you feel better!


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