Hi everyone I'm sorry for being gone from here awhile. After a 5 month hiatus I've got quite a story to tell could write a book! Long story short, after brain and cervical MRI and spinal tap, verdict is in-well, sort of. Definitely CIS, but also possibly RRMS. Will post more later. It's good to be back, hope some of you remember me from this past summer! 😃
I'm Back!!: Hi everyone I'm sorry for... - My MSAA Community
I'm Back!!

Bamfan1442 good to hear from you again. When you mention hiatus do you mean a hernia! I hope not, they can be very painful. Looking forward to your book! Lol 😂 blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🤗
We've missed you! I remember you had just gotten a doctor and tests scheduled. I am anciousbribhesr more. And...The spreadsheet has been waiting for you! 😉💕
I’m glad you’re back and on your way to getting answers. Do you have any treatment started?

Of course we remember you and are looking forward to hearing what's going on with you.
Welcome back! I'm interested in the details of your adventure, good or bad.
Well, as of today, I had to change my Medicaid Health Plan because the one I had doesn't service the county I'm in Even though my PCP and Neuro were covered in a different county, the local hospital (for blood work, other tests and procedures) and eye doctors aren't. So, no more appointments can be made until the new plan is effective on December 1st or after. I'm still in a women's shelter, waiting for disability approval from both state and federal. Until I am approved and have an income of some kind I will remain homeless without accommodations recommended by my PCP. My time is almost up here, 30 days are the limit. I can't go to a regular community homeless shelter because of my limitations. I can't climb stairs, have a top bunk bed, do assigned daily chores, lift and carry all my belongings around during the day (they throw you out at 7 am and won't let you come back until 4:30 pm), or rest when I need to. Don't know what I'm going to do, I hate this time of year anyway, and this just makes it harder for me to cope. I'm fed up with everything, nothing to look forward to or any hope for the future. Sorry for being a downer on here, I know it's supposed to be a positive environment.