Hi my darlings! I have missed you so! But I have been in a really bad place. Not suicidal, or anything like that!!! Just way to much for my pea brain to deal with all at once.
Quick rundown...
My bio father passed away..
Moving fiasco... Covid?
I get sick.
Mother... (Remember she's nuts) breast cancer... Get ahold of her Dr. No she doesn't.
Cat sick.
Maintenance guy tells owner my place stinks. I KNOW THIS! I TOLD HIM THAT!
All I have been doing is cleaning up after Jasper!
Jasper is finally better! I mowed my lawn yesterday, and let me tell you what, that will never happen again!😂 Ever. My place is now my home. And my mom? She is still nuts.😭🤣
Now if I can just get over the anxiety of going to get my infusion....🤣
Like I said, I might get knocked down, but I always get back up! 😊
Love and missed you all! 🤗💕