First Set Of Results Back - Maybe i'm Mad. - My MSAA Community

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First Set Of Results Back - Maybe i'm Mad.

Carmen-Rider1991 profile image

Hi Guys,

Thought i would give you a little update.

First set of MRI in. This one was for the lumba which has come back normal. Not sure if i'm more scared of finding something or not finding something. Starting to worry if they don't find something that its all in my head but then i have to remind myself that i no my body and i no something is off.

Will let you know when the brain an neck MRI comes through. Don't know what i have my fingers crossed for but fingers crossed.

Hope everyone is well.

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Carmen-Rider1991 profile image
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17 Replies
jackiesj profile image

Carmen it is really difficult when all these feelings shoot off in our bodies with little answers.It is good if they aren't finding a mess...hang in there...I find our gut feelings are often right and the search is on.My doctor said to remember, "I'm a PRACTICING physician I practice on you" so that is why he listened so closely to me....kinda scary aye?Than...he retired!I laugh but its a serious waiting game. best wishes to you....

Carmen-Rider1991 profile image
Carmen-Rider1991 in reply to jackiesj

Thank you. It such a long process but I guess we have to keep pushing on! Crazyness!! I hope they have more answers for you x

ddeadred profile image
ddeadred in reply to Carmen-Rider1991

7 years for me before DX... FAITH NOT FEAR... one step at a time--I know your anxiety, but just keep telling yourself that ALL IS FINE! xo Cj

Jesmcd2 profile image

Hi Carmen-Rider1991 nice to meet you.😊 Although anywhere but here.😕 I really hope your results are negative. You seriously don't want this monster! 😒 That being said, is your Neuro an MS Neuro? And what tesla did they do your MRI's on?

Oh yeah in the nosey one.😄

Jes 🌠

Carmen-Rider1991 profile image
Carmen-Rider1991 in reply to Jesmcd2

I do agree I just want a result of some sort so I can understand, learn and then manage! The neroligist I saw I believe is just a general neroligist and dose not specifically specialise in MS. I am I sure what tesla is lol? Sorry. All I no is I had two MRI one arranged by my GP which was for my lumba and the neroligist was specificallly looking for MS and sent me for a brain and neck MRI. Hope that answers you question 😊😊😊

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Carmen-Rider1991

Sorry I don't think sometimes.😐 I didn't know either, it's the strength of the MRI.😊 A lot of people have felt your frustration, believe me.😊 it's the not knowing for sure.

Please know that we welcome even people on the search for answers. 😊

And tell your GP to send you to an MS Clinic!


Carmen-Rider1991 profile image
Carmen-Rider1991 in reply to Jesmcd2

I'm not to sure of the strength of MRI i will ask my GP. Thank you to you and this sight for all the support it has been a real source of comfort knowing i can speak to people outside of my friends and family who truly understand how i'm feeling.

Yes i will speak to her. She seems very clueless on what to do with me. I will try to prompt her more going forward.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Carmen-Rider1991

Always ask questions Carmen-Rider1991 I have only been Dx'ed for 2yrs and it's always a learning curve😨😁

Another good idea is to keep a journal, of symptoms, dates how long they last and have it ready for your Neuro.😊

Jes 🌠

My prayers are with you.

Carmen-Rider1991 profile image
Carmen-Rider1991 in reply to

Thank you and you too.

Nom_De_Plume profile image


Hello there! I didn't catch your first post a month ago, my apologies. I backtracked before replying and see that you joined HealthUnlocked a year ago looking for answers. Gosh that is a long time.

Given your family history for neurological diseases, including MS, and the symptoms you have described, I would think you are right to suspect MS and it is good that you are getting a work-up. I think your brain and c-spine MRIs will tell a lot. Please keep us posted! :)

WAshingtongirl profile image

Hi, Carmen-Rider1991 , I don't believe I've met you yet. I was probably 'absent' with visiting grandkids when you first appeared a month ago. So a belated "welcomed."

Others may know more about a lumbar MRI (and I probably should read all the replies before speaking here), but my understanding is that brain, cervical and thoracic MRIs are the MRIs of choice for MS. My first MRI was of the lumbar spine to rule out a back injury, which I insisted was the cause of my initial symptoms.

A diagnosis of MS can be frightening-as can the mere possibility of one. It took 9yrs before I got my diagnosis. By then, I was relieved to have an answer. I pray you don't have it, but I hope you have an answer sooner rather than later. 💕

goatgal profile image

Carmen-Rider1991 When my first MRIs were done, they included the lumbar spine. The neurologist wanted to rule out spina bifadaocculta because my gait was impaired. LIke yours, the MRI was normal. However, the MRIs for brain, cervical and thoracic spine showed lesions and areas of demyelination. Tutu's response is helpful in explaining why all subsequent MRIs have been for brain, cervical and thoracic spine! I learn something every day on this forum. The responses here are full of lived wisdom and empathy. This family of folks always listens and often provides exactly what we need at the moment we need it. As others have said, you know how your body feels and how those feelings change. All of us have struggled to be heard by some of the doctors we have seen in our search for answers. It's a long process, unfortunately, but don't let it wear you down or cause you to doubt the truths you know about yourself. We are, all of us, resilient and strong in our journeys.

greaterexp profile image

Carmen-Rider1991 , it seems that MS, in spite of all the medical advances, is still difficult to diagnose. I do hope that if you aren't getting answers from your neurologist, that you look for another. I pray you don't have MS, but I know how difficult it is not to know what's going on with our bodies.

Please let us know what you learn. We care about one another here.

Carmen-Rider1991 profile image

Thank you all so much you have really boosted me. I will wait another few weeks for the results of the other MRI's and update you all then. I knew it would be a long road as it's already has been but unfortunately, some times, you do lose your patients especially when your work are waiting for an update. Will keep pushing and hope my answers will come quick than some others have experienced. :) :)

ddeadred profile image

FAITH NOT FEAR baby girl...

agapepilgrim profile image

Carmen-Rider1991 dont depend .on MRI and doctor saying nothing wrong!! Listen to your body and keep seeking right diagnosis! I was misdiagnosed for 20 years (when I first started seeking medical help for myriad health issues). Fibromyalgia just didn't fit all ju symptoms (only half of them), but doctors believe they know best and make you feel like hypochondriac if you doubt them. After many specialists later (and lots of wasted money and medications) a cardiologist (had Syncope) sent me to MS Clinic. And, whamo! "You have had MS fir about 50 yrs now (first attack of blindness) ! I was furious at all those years of misdiagnosed, not being listened to, and mostly because at 69 she said wasn't much help at my age to take DMTs. If only the medical field would have listened to me!! But, muddy water undrer the bridge, spilled milk, and can't change the past, attitude, I want to get on a soap box and say luster to your body and demand MS Clinic and proper testing. As fir the MRI machine, I had lesions shoe up on a #3 machine that didn't show up on 1.5 machine. Dr must prove to insurance co why more expensive unit required, so usually dr won't do the paperwork! This one did. (He is my 4th neurologist). I still have to fight though. He put me on Tecfidera after allergic reactions to first 2 medicines, and now refuses to order the JC virus blood test. So I refuse to take Tecfidera until he does. A month now of "battle of wills". I have no respect for medical field, but I respect and live my Heavenly Father who is leading me guiding me living me efen when I lose everything I once lived. I will be praying for you. And as they quote on here "we are MS fighters" so keep fighting for your right to live.

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