Today I went in to see my Neuro for 3 month follow up after starting Tecfidera. He said all my blood work came up really good, had to do more today and again in 3 months to make sure numbers are staying in range. I have been doing good on it and have not much stomach upset or other side effects.
I talked to him about possible foot drop, and it seems to only happen when I'm walking long distances or on the treat mill so he says that it may be an old lesion being effected that causes it to happen when I get warm, and then go away when I'm not warm. It doesn't happen when I'm at the store or around the house when I'm doing different chores so that makes sense to me.
Neuro said my mri did not show any new activity and now that we have a baseline for down the road after starting the tecfidera to see if it's working. He did say I have degeneration in my neck and that is most likely the reason for the pain that I get in it.
For my headaches, he did call in an rx for an antidepressant - low dose 1mg (forget the name of it off hand as it is not ready to pick up yet) that is sometimes used for headaches when nothing else works. He said that I should take it at night as the side effect of it is it makes people tired.
So that is my update today. Will update on how the new med name and how works for my headaches.