This big guy comes about once a week. You can hear him way before you see him.
Backyard wildlife - Pileated Woodpecker - My MSAA Community
Backyard wildlife - Pileated Woodpecker

Those things are HUGE, and until you've seen one up close, you cannot really appreciate their grandeur (much as the case with bald eagles).
We had a Pileated who held court around the farm; whenever he came by, I just had to stop working to enjoy the show.
Thanks for sharing your great photo,
Beautiful. And great photography!
Excellent shot, Iona60 . You have an artist's eye when wielding a camera--as you do with your knitting needles and paints and canvas! Do you ever paint from your photographs? We have woodpeckers here, but I've only been fortunate to see a pileated in our backyard once. Beautiful creature and photograph. Thanks!

Wow, handsome visitor. Picture looks like a pro took it, are you a photographer? Thank you for sharing!
Hi Iona60, that's a really good photo. What a privilege to be able to see one. I can often hear the woodpeckers in our wood nearby but I have never actually seen them. I can't wait to see your next photo, it's incredible what you have in your back garden, I wait in anticipation, blessings Jimeka
What a great picture. I was delighted to see one of these huge, magnificent birds in my back yard once. I got so excited I didn't even think of my camera. I often hear them in the woods behind the house, but have only seen the one in the yard. I've told my grandson about it and hope one day he will get to see one. Thanks for sharing your wonderful picture.
Having owned and lived on a 20 acre farm for 15 lovely years, I MISS these guys the MOST!!!
What a beautiful shot!
WOODY ! ! !
Spent ages straining my neck to try and catch a glimpse of my local woodpecker - so frustrating to hear him drumming away but too far up in the trees to see ! I've also got involved in fruitless grass searching when I hear crickets : )
Thanks for the lovely pic - I'm expecting a majestic herd of buffalo crossing next ! : )) x
Hoping you will be seeing the buffalo herd, not me. Good luck cricket hunting!
That sounds like me. I spent hours, one Spring, watching a warbler go down in the tall grass of a field and then trying to find where it's nest was. My husband laughed at me but I did find it. The little thing was sitting on its eggs, one of which I was pretty sure was a Cow Bird egg!
This is the bird that got me so interested in birding! It is so big and loud and beautiful!😃👍
I love Pilated Woodpeckers! My mom and dad had one come to their yard years and years ago so when I lived in the country I was so happy there were many Pilated Woodpeckers! Now I keep hearing the owls! I love that the hawks are brave enough to come right in the backyard here. They are so fun to watch!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely picture!
@Iona60 what a beautiful shot! We get regular woodpeckers on the suet we put out, but only see a pileated once in a great while. We would never have the chance to get a picture!
What a great photo. Thanks for sharing. Love it!
Wow. He's impressive. Great picture. Thanks for sharing him.
What a beautiful display of nature! Thank you so much for sharing. Cannot wait to see what is next!
Great photo, they can be tough to get a good shot of them

Beautiful picture Iona60 ! I'm going to miss our woodpecker. Last year was the 1 yr he was here. Now the trees are gone, l don't expect him back😞 I'm adopting yours Iona😁🌠