This is the wood stork that comes every few days.
More backyard wildlife - Stork - My MSAA Community
More backyard wildlife - Stork

Iona60, you have your own wildlife park in your back garden, it's beautiful, God's creation is marvellous, blessings Jimeka
We feel very blessed to have all the wildlife here. We used to have many turtles in the lake and I would go out in my floppy hat and sunglasses and feed them bread. They would see me coming and swim from across the lake. Then the fish would start flopping and the herons and egrets would come to catch the fish. It's not a fancy lake, just a little drainage pond that a dozen houses sit around.
What happened to the turtles 🐢?
Not sure. We were gone this summer when a hurricane came through. They may have left for another lake. The lakes are interconnected through the drains, which all run out to the river, which is how the otters get to the lake.
STORK ! ! !
Yes, it's me again : ) I once saw a heron on my local park ( yes, I was insanely excited ! )
Loving these wildlife pics, thanks for sharing Iona : ) x
I don't know that I've ever seen one. Thanks, Iona60 for the beautiful pic and the sense of peace that flows through it.
Iona60 that is very cool!
Terrific picture! We get herons and cranes on our ponds, but I never get good pictures. What neat creatures! Thanks for posting.
Beautiful picture of a beautiful bird! Many years ago we had a heron come in to the creek at the end of our yard. I wish it was a stork and I had taken a picture.

Very rare starlight5 you are so lucky! I hope you have no hunting signs up!☺🌠