I don't see this too often. Just happened to be on the gazebo during the process of this lizard shedding its skin. Gross, but interesting. Make sure you blow it up to get a good look.
Backyard WIldlife - Lizard shedding its ... - My MSAA Community
Backyard WIldlife - Lizard shedding its skin

Thanks Iona60, Harry loved it, especially when I blew the picture up. Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈
Wow, what a sight! Nature is amazing.
Wow! Instant face lift.
greaterexp How about instant body makeover? Wouldn't it be cool if we got new skin each year and never had to get wrinkled and pruny?
Give me an instant face and body lift any day! This lizard knows what it's all about! Any way to shed MS?
Cool lizzie but I have no idea how to blow this up Iona, lol ! I found an 'open image in new tab' function and was disproportionately proud of myself for managing that but as to enlarging it.......... ( picture the 'MS shrug' as opposed to 'hug' ) A friend had a pet lizard and the shedding process always fascinated me. When I shed my skin I leave a ring around the bath or have a dandruff storm - not quite as photogenic ! : )) x