my paints are old and I will have to invest in newer. So I did these a few years go (need to work on proportion). My WIP (work in progress) "Cog Fog" 1st draft is near complete but paint (b/c old) is not layering well. So now, based on my bizarre subjects, you know I'm odd :). Below is "Rebirth"
I really do paint (for fun): my paints are... - My MSAA Community
I really do paint (for fun)
This one makes you think, what's going on in her mind, can't wait to see the in progress. Keep at it Erash, there's a hidden talent there waiting to emerge.
I know, keep my day job (oops! gave that up) and you should hear me sing
Recently found out thru my husband I can take free classes at the university. Painting is surely on my list. Anthropology always seemed like it would be interesting. What do you think you might take if it wasn't for a degree and you could consider anything???
Try out all those electives you thought would be fun in college, but never had time for.
I did a forensic course, it was a free on line course. My sister who is a retired doctor got me into it. She was doing it, well it was fun, not so much for her, as you had to name body parts, individual bones, for me it was a real learning experience. Having to take exams which you could choose to or not, I did real well, I even did better in one exam than my sister. Lol!
Great job!
So is this a self portrait? 😉
All these various mediums, moods, subjects and textures speak to what a multifaceted group of artists we have here!
Well, done, Erash! Anxious to see your current project too. 💕
Erash, I would love anthropology too, the study of cultures and how mankind evolved. And I LOVE history, I read textbooks for fun! So of course I would lean in that direction, as well as languages and creative writing. So much to study! I am interested in so many things and read all the time. Lucky you to study for free. What does your husband teach? I love your painting, it makes me think she is being born. Kelly
Do u write Kelly? I tried my hand at writing a few fiction works. A creative writing course would be great.
My husband is a sociologist but teaches in criminal justice. Interesting courses like famous crimes, profiling, genocide.
Ok,you read textbooks for fun!!! 🤓
Erash, I do love to write, mainly short stories. Probably my favorite was called " The Dowager's Hump". It's a story about a very old woman who has a hunchback or dowager's hump. As she ages she realizes that she feels more and more invisible to the world. She thinks back over her decades of her life and envisions within her hump all the loves, sorrows losses, wisdom, etc. she has seen in her life. She wishes she could share this knowledge with young people. So it goes until at the end a young couple move next door to her, befriend her and finally someone sees her and taps into her knowledge. There is more, but I have rambled long enough, sorry. I am passionate about writing, as you can see! How are you doing? Let me know. Kelly
Kelly, what a wonderful story! Have you published this? I'd like to read it.
Erash, thank you for the compliment, it really means a lot to me. I'm pretty hesitant to share what I write, you caught me in an open moment. One day I'll print it for you, okay? Thanks for the info on the hearing aids. I really appreciate it. You are such a sweetie! Enjoy the holiday if we don't talk before then. Kelly
Sometimes we create just for the joy of creating. I understand that totally. If you are ready to share your writing, I truly am interested.
If you want to pursue it further, there's an online group I belonged to called Scribophile where you can post your writing, get feedback, and critique others under a pseudonym. They have subgroups for all genres of writing. There's a free component. I haven't been active in awhile. Met some other terrific writers and I learned a lot. One of my goals now that I'm not working is to start writing again.
Jes, if you r reading this, they have a poetry subgroup too.
I'm reading lol You painting is absolutely amazing. It does remind me of rebirth. Like she's waking up to a brand new world. And l dont usally share my poems. It's actually been a very long time since I have written. This one just seemed to write it's self.
Looking forward to the next one, why is she a redhead? Just curious.. It's interesting. I see your title within the picture.
I must of come across it again. 😊 can I sign up for the belly dance class? That would be a hoot!😊. Me and my cane👍