Last night I went on the front porch of this old farmhouse where i live and one of the farmer friend of mine walked over and said that if i could climb my butt up into the cab of his truck I could ride with him to haul a load of gravel. I certainly didn't expect this but i never did that before, so i said yes but give me a few minutes. I went inside, shut the doors turned on a light and rode my scooter down the ramp off the porch to the cab of the gravel hauler. I wasn't expecting the climb to be to high until I saw the three full steps like a ladder to reach the destination in the seat of the cab. luckily my upper body is still pretty good so with some careful careful movements I made the climb. The next hour and a half was amazing, sharing conversation, watching him load over 8 tons of gravel and then hauling it to its destination. Got home after dark and carefully made my way out of the cab, back on my scooter and up the ramp and into the house. Lots of times unexpected things throw me for a loop, and literally off balance, so I was and am very grateful for him offering my the ride as well as my ability to be able to go! I wish for the unexpected to be uplifting for you as well!
Fun in the unexpected: Last night I went... - My MSAA Community
Fun in the unexpected

What a great neighbour. The change will have done you good, blessings Jimeka 😊
Hurrah for you and your neighbor! Those unexpected things are like rays of sunshine! I'm so glad you had fun.
Thank you. Yes many rays of sunshine were beaming!
I hope when you see him again, that you’ll thank him from all of us with MS. I know it meant a lot to you, but it blesses us all to know there are great folks out there looking out for us.
That is great for the offer and being able to due it ! Yes 👍🙏😉🐾🐾Ken
Yes, so now I may ask to ride with him in the tractor when they harvest in a few weeks! It good for me to "feel included" by his invitation for the adventure because there are times when I feel included due of my limitations when in fact it is only me avoiding something out of my own fear.
So inspiring! Isn't it wonderful when we are open to the unexpected opportunity!
so glad you had a great day!people can be so kind,he is,what a peach!I turn down alot of things I maybe can't do,i certainly don't turn down what I think I can were brave or determined maybe both

You can accomplish so much if you just set your mind to it, 88Dodgee I am so happy that you did it!
see you were able to do it ...congratulations ...
it feels so good to get out and do something out of the ordinary ....feels so good...
How wonderful and a great reminder to embrace new events,
Good to know you had a good time and was able to get outside
Thank you. Yes it was good to go out that evening. As I struggled with my cane at the yard where he loaded the hauler, the air was brisk and reminded me of high school football practice . I get almost constant reminders that I need to accept things as they are, but some reminders of physical limitations are really tough!
Yes, that first year after diagnosis was depressing and painful seeing and feeling everyday my body becoming unhealthy and recognizing things I could no longer do, so doing and embracing what I can now helps me accept who I am, not what I am, and just be ok in me .
That is amazing. There are good people in this world and I think they are in greater numbers than those who are not.
Sounds like you had a wild night out! Congratulations. I never get out at night any more. What a great adventure.
That is awesome! What a great neighbor. And that you decided to try it was great. Sometimes we just need to take that leap of faith like you did.
Thank you. Yes the evening air was brisk but not too cold. I don't go out too cold and for sure not in the humidity!
What a fun experience!
Thanks for sharing this! How fun for you! It’s so easy to feel left out from the limitations we can have. A little adventure can be so healing to our spirits.