Have you ever noticed when you read through the posts that some of them are two or three years old? Isn't there a way to filter out the old and enjoy the new? I can give a response to these posts, but how many read them after years have passed?
Really old questions: Have you ever... - My MSAA Community
Really old questions
I am not sure about years but some times it is good to read the old ones because no one has asked those questions before.
When you open the MSAA Community post page and look about 1/4 of the down and click on Posts. After the Posts Page open then look 1/4 way down on right and choose the order of the posts (ie, newest, oldest etc) and pick how you want them to show.
Hope this answers your question.
In addition to what the others said, sometimes someone else has discovered one and made a response which I suspect brings it back into the most recent posts. Sometimes it's good to read along some of the older posts. I know I enjoy reading them and learning some new/old stuff!
Me too, I will start reading it and have way thru I remember it🤪. I do enjoy reminders 😝😆😂🤣😁👍🐾 Ken
I was just mentioning this same question to my husband. What a coincidence!
Some of our new members just want to look around first.😊 And if they see something that pertainsto them, they will comment.
It's an easier way for them to join.😊😊
That's ok we all better dust off the cobwebs so we can remember what they are talking about LOL
MsGelfling1, it's Fancy1959. Think of the old post, and read through them together data and and information worth its weight in gold. They are gifts of knowledge and realize you are so lucky to be able to access such data. You could always read through them quickly and just take time to read post that really hit home with you or are important to you and your disabilities. Fancy.