G'day msers. Now laugh at me and say ROYCE YOU KNOW BETTER. I do and I have to upgrade this system, so I do not lose writings again. Of course, I do NOT remember what I wrote so YOU get something else. Was not meant to be I guess.
ms is a rollercoaster. You are dragged up until YOU get your diagnosis. Then YOU start the ride, and oh boy is it a ride, but it is your ride. Some people get off after a while, some get on the ride for a short distance and even rarer. There are those very few who get on at the beginning and ride all the way, never leaving. Those are very rare, maybe YOU will find one maybe YOU won't. That is the luck of the draw in this thing that we call ms life. I am sorry that it this way, but I honestly am not sure I could cope with the things that I ask my wife to handle. I certainly know that most of my family does not even attempt to understand, me.
Each has there own journey and though it hurts me, maybe that is my journey. I do not remember, I shall have to ask next time I am meditating.
I do not have the words to take away your pain, but just remember YOU CAN and WILL DO this calamity and any others that YOU will face of this ms rollercoaster. Do NOT fear that YOU are not strong enough, just accept. Do not question for the answer could be much worse than YOU ever dreamed possible. Just accept, wish them the best and keep moving, never stop moving forward.
ms is doable, promises are broken, things do not turn out as planned. BUT, and there is always a but, time really will heal all wounds. Not what YOU may want to hear, but YOU are strong enough and smart enough to get through this, just keep riding. Walk one foot in front of the other. Now do it again and again, YOU are not beaten.
sorry I do not have the best words for you.