Reduski in the flesh!: I've had skin problems from... - MY SKIN


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Reduski in the flesh!

Reduski profile image
11 Replies

I've had skin problems from time to time over the years. Nothing too serious, and, with appropriate medication, easily remedied.

But more recently I've experienced a range of skin afflictions, which, following prescribed medications, do not appear to have totally resolved themselves.

Apart from this I consider myself 'naturally fit' and hence in no need of vigorous exercise, dietary refinements or change of lifestyle (!!!)


This post is just to introduce myself. Hope you can get some comfort/relief from co-sufferers on this website.

All good wishes.


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11 Replies
Ell17 profile image

Right back at ya, Reduski :))

And on a more somber note.... I wish to offer my heartfelt condolences. It is truly a shock and an upset to my delicate sensibilities and, daresay, to the natural order, that a person possessing your caliber of "natural fitness, et al. " should have to suffer such inconveniences. Surely, one such as yourself would be impervious. Is there no reliable constant left in this world!?! 😆

Reduski profile image
Reduski in reply to Ell17

Thanks, Ell17, for your sympathy (although I wasn't seeking any!), and for your hilarious reasoning! 😂 ... Has cheered me up no end!

Have a good day!

(I can't stop smiling from your response!!!)

Here is half a kiwi fruit for your endeavors 🥝(I've eaten the other half...)

Ell17 profile image
Ell17 in reply to Reduski

It warms the cockels of my heart to know you got a kick out of it! (Shows nightly and matinees on Saturdays.🤣)

Seriously though...your kind words and the smile on your face are thanks enough, but I have never been able to turn down a free nosh.... And how in the world did you know that kiwi fruit is my favorite!?!😊

Hope you have a great day, too!!

Reduski profile image
Reduski in reply to Ell17

Hi Ell17.


After several attempts over the months to identify my skin problem, my hospital consultant, a dermatologist, arranged for me to have a "54 item" Patch Test (on my back, best place I suppose!)

Two days later they checked, and I had outstanding results which shook the nurse!

In those two days the main culprit had created an huge blister... which had burst!

She quickly called a senior nurse, who even took a photograph of it!

It was an allergic response to a medicated shampoo which my Doctor had recommended and which I had been using for years!

The second culprit was a Ketoconazole-based shampoo, which had been prescribed by my Doctor AND my dermatologist!

The 3rd allergen was/is Epoxy Resin, Bisphenol A (E-002)! I'm not in contact with epoxy resin, so it's no problem being allergic to it. But I'll watch out, especially if I try to build a fibreglass boat or swimming pool water-slide!

The 4th culprit is Fragrance mix 1 (Mx-07). It has other names. (I think Parfum is one of them, but I'll have to check.)

Anyway, EVERYTHING seems to have this substance in it!

It is even in some toothpastes, which explains why some toothpastes make me gag and choke; a problem I've had for about ten years!

So! Current treatment is to avoid all the identified allergens, and to use on my face/chin/neck an ointment that contains Tacrolimus monoh, and which is prescribed for Atopic Dermatitis.

The dermatologist has also prescribed regular and liberal use of Hydromol Ointment, which I am using daily, ... and which may also be contributing to my present apparent improved condition.

Seems to be working, ... but I still have very slight facial itchyness. But apart from that, things are better than they were.

In the light of her findings, my consultant also advised me to avoid ALL shampoos, and to just use water to wash my hair!

She has also put me on the 'See On Symptoms' (SOS!) list , which means I can get an immediate appointment if my condition flares up! Which is some comfort!

All good wishes



Ell17 profile image
Ell17 in reply to Reduski

Hiya Reduski,

I'm so glad to hear that things are on the upswing and that you're getting some much needed relief! It's unfortunate that you had to wait so long to get the Patch Test.....but, more importantly you did get it, with quite interesting results that hopefully have set you on the correct course....And being put on the SOS list is definitely a plus (and no easy feat, I'm sure! )

Thank you for the update. It's good to know that ...🤞🤞're on the mend.😊

All the best!!

Reduski profile image
Reduski in reply to Ell17

Thanks Ell17.

New developments! Aargh!

By January 2020 most of my skin problems seemed to have significantly faded away.

However, a 'new' condition had flared up. My eyelids got itchy, swollen, red, and thick sticky mucus was in my eyes every morning. When showering, the water stung my eyes!

I could un-peal the mucus from my eyes by carefully using a cotton bud. The mucus formed a long thin sticky string as I dabbed the blob and twizzled it away from the inner corner of my eye to the other side of my eye.

Sometimes their were two strings simultaneously attached to the cotton bud, one from the lower eyelid and the other from the upper eyelid as I moved the cotton bud across my eye, about 1.5 cm away from the eyeball. I could feel it unpealing! It was very satisfying! (videos available on YouTube!)

Without that procedure the mucus would stay in my eye(s) and inhibit reading etc.. Not very nice. Dangerous in fact.

And the sore swollen eyelids, and watery eyes persisted.

So I consulted my doctor again... (more to follow!)

Ell17 profile image
Ell17 in reply to Reduski

Good to hear from you, Reduski!!

It is sobering news indeed to hear that you are at present plagued with yet another affliction. Is there no rest for the wicked.... I mean weary!?! However, I am most heartened to see that it has not affected your droll, quick wit.😉 I can say without any reservation (and I am unanimous in this) that I marvel, even in the midst of your suffering, how you still manage to meticulously craft such colorful commentaries that strike the perfect balance of misery and mirth!

I am hopeful that by your next update there will have been a complete resolution of symptoms, and at long last you will be footloose and malady free.

May the force be with you young Skywalker as you go forth to do battle once again. And may you emerge victorious!! 😊

Reduski profile image


My new Doctor (a locum doctor; she also has the same skin problem from time to time!) made the prognosis that my eyelid condition could be effectively dealt with by using Protopic ointment (‘tacrolimus monohydrate’, prescription only). It suppresses the over-active responses I have to airborne and contact allergens.

So I started that course. But later, at one stage, I had a long-awaited consultation with a medical specialist. (The delay was due to general COVID restrictions).

That specialist's prescription was Maxitrol and Hylonight ointment. So I ceased Protopic and applied the consultant's recommendation, but that immediately resulted in painfully swollen eyes! Aargh!

So, with agreement from my locum doctor, I reverted to Protopic, which, together with a daily routine -bathe eyes, use eyelid wipes, apply eye drops (Viscotears)- seems to be the most effective at present.

Ell17 profile image

Happy to know you are still counted amongst the living, Reduski!!

I hope the Protopic is bringing some well deserved relief along with the rest of your regimen. It's maddening, isn't it, how much effort one has to put in to oftentimes yield less than stellar results? But, one of these days you are going to hit on the right combo of therapies. And the sooner the better, I say!😊

Reduski profile image
Reduski in reply to Ell17

Hi there, Ell17! Glad you are still alive too!

I am still following the above regime, though slightly reduced because there is significant improvement regarding my 'eyelid problem'.

Since we last spoke, and for a different health concern, I had an examination by an Ear, Nose & Throat hospital consultant. His thorough investigation, which included a nasal endoscopy, revealed, amongst other things, that I also have LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux) and NVC (Nasal Valve Collapse)!

Sounds serious! But, in a nutshell (symbolically), his findings have given me an understanding of the cause of the gagging effect I experience from... food!

With that knowledge and an accompanying prescription, conditions are easing... or I am just getting used to the symptoms? (Rhetorical question)

My new 'health concern' is being promptly addressed by the medicians, and has involved ultrasound scans and biopsies, blood tests, CT and PET scans, and bone marrow samplings! (And a cup of coffee!)

No problem!

Apart from all that (or despite all that), I am still cheery. Well, 'Fine' summarises my underlying demeanour.


Thank you so much for your kindly (and entertaining) words!

Take Care.

Ell17 profile image

You take care too, Reduski.😊.... And may I just add that you are no slouch in the entertainment department, either!!

I have complete confidence, as well, that your naturally sanguine disposition will keep you in good stead on your march to restored health. I look forward to hearing of you being in even finer fettle in your next update!!

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