Hi guys
I just wondered if anyone else is having the same problem as me. I've suffered with acne pretty much my whole life, since I was 12. I am now 23. When I was at school I had a full face of it and I tried all sorts of medication, but nothing worked. Then I tried accutane right at the end of secondary school, and although the side effects were sooo awful it worked miracles, I had a clear face! So I had clear skin for about two years, all the way through college. Then I started work and I would get some of it from time to time but nothing like before. Then in 2015 I had no acne for like a whole year, it was amazing. I thought I had grown out of it. But now for some reason it has come back so bad on my jawline and neck, it's proper cystic acne. It usually does get a little worse in winter but I know that this is hormone related.
I was thinking of taking accutane for a second time but I don't know if it's worth it. I also take sertraline for depression and I know accutane will only make that worse. So I want to avoid taking accutane as much as possible. I wondered if anybody else has experienced this too.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post
(This picture shows what my skin is like right now, it's quite painful where they are so big under the skin)
BC x x