this is ''Impetigo'' as doctor sad (first saw such thing) ... it's continues already 10 days .. it becomes bigger ... what can i do ? how stop spreading ? (i used "Factor dermico" cream 4 days ... today i bought ''bactroban'' ) can anyone help me ? advice ?
Need help: this is ''Impetigo'' as doctor sad (first... - MY SKIN
Need help

My son had impetigo when he was a toddler, and we all ended up catching it as it's extremely contagious. I remember it coming & going for several weeks and I was at my wit's end trying to clear us of it because we kept passing it from one to the other. Just when we thought it had gone, suddenly it would reappear. I think it looked very similar to your photo but it was a long time ago and I'm not sure.
I can't remember everything I did, but I do know that we were very strict about not sharing towels, which I washed at 60 every day, I also changed our bedding every day (luckily it was summer!) and being even more careful than normal about hand washing etc. I should imagine I used tea tree oil (diluted) as well, as I tend to use that as an antibacterial, and I think we all had antibiotics & antibiotic cream too.
I hope that helps, I remember it as being a very stressful time so I feel for you.
I agree with the person above.
I don't remember what I put on it as it was 40 years ago. Incredibly contagious. It eventually went but with a young child it's almost impossible to stop them touching it. I really can't give think of a way to help. I thought of gloves but that won't stop baby touching things.
I hope somebody else is able to help you as it must be very distressing for you. It will go eventually maybe when the kids can get out in the sun. Personally I think drying it rather than putting grease on it would be better. Ask an old doctor or older nurse as it's not about so much now. Maybe if it's at your local school they may be able to help.
thank you gfmum1, Olivemay64 for your replies ... i have really complicated days, i gave antibiotic syrup yesterday and hope everything will be better, it's spreading and i can't stop it , i am very worry about this... your posts helped me and thanks a lot !
Hi Happ2016, I had impetigo on my face when I was a teen. Awfully itchy and so easy to spread! I used the cream prescribed, kept it as dry as possible, washed towels daily and didn't share anything with anyone. It's very easy to keep touching it so having some antibacterial spray for your hands is a great idea and should help you not to pass it on through touch. Skin to skin will pass it on, so as hard as it is, try not to kiss or get close to his face. It does need to breathe to improve so you shouldn't really cover it up, but if he's really struggling a plaster for a couple of hours might give it some protection from being scratched and picked at. I hope you see some improvement soon. xx