Last night my girlfriend and I were messing around about things we'd do for a million dollars. She said that she'd become a stripper for a million dollars. We laughed but then the thought came 'Maybe she is serious about that and is not joking'. It grew from a small doubt and right now it is so huge I can barely focus on anything that I am doing. I just feel so worried that she was not kidding.
But I know she was definitely joking, I've known her for so long and I know she is not a person to become a stripper for any amount of money. She is not that kind of person. But, it feels like there is a 1% chance it might be true and I can't risk that.
I would just ask her if she was joking last night, but I'm afraid it may upset her as she may feel hurt that I actually considered that she was serious about becoming a stripper. So, I am terrified of asking her too.
I need some tips/encouragement pls I feel so horrible sitting with it.