Anyone else have ROCD?
ROCD I have that as well as OCD. - My OCD Community
ROCD I have that as well as OCD.

If by ROCD you mean spending countless hours wondering whether you're in the right relationship and there is somebody else somewhere with whom you may be happier, not being able to reach some kind of conclusion and not being able to stop trying even if it takes you more time than it's reasonable to spend on the issue, then I can say I had ROCD (not an official diagnosis though).
I got over it by accepting there is no perfect answer to my questions. I had to accept a certain degree of uncertainty. I was very ambivalent about the amount of time I devoted to that issue. I wanted to be 100% sure one way or the other, and, at the same time, I didn't want that issue to occupy all my thoughts and time. So, I was stuck and persisted in my search hoping against hope that one day I will find the 'epiphany' I was looking for.
Finally one day I told myself that if I had a terminal illness I wouldn't want to be desperate for a cure and spend all my time and money in the search for it. I would decide beforehand what's a reasonable amount of time per day to do research, and stop at the preset time whether I found what I was looking for or not. This would prevent my search from becoming an obsession, and me becoming a prey for quacks. So, I set some time limits to reflect on my present relationship, and the urge to do it incessantly and compulsively slowly went away.
OCD is OCD although we we often talk about themes or subtypes of OCD. The themes or subtypes aren’t diagnoses though. Using the subtype labels can make it easier for people to talk about what’s going on and not feel so alone in their symptoms. The OCD cycle is the same in any subtype. ROCD is a common subtype of OCD and can affect any type of relationship, not just romantic ones.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.