Do you find it hard that most of the world would not understand it and that there are so few people with which to talk about it?
Does anyone here have pure O Ocd? - My OCD Community
Does anyone here have pure O Ocd?

There are a lot of people with pure O OCD. It’s not written about as much because it is harder to talk about what goes on in someone’s head, but there are a lot of people that are dealing with it.
Yes, Sultan. Please be careful about who you share your thoughts with. Even professionals don't always understand Pure O... but you can and will get better by gradually facing the feelings your ocd brings up rather than distracting yourself. I'm not a doctor, but my advice would be to look into that approach.
I’m very careful about who i’ve discussed my ocd with, which has been very few people and even most of them I have not discussed all of it with them. I’ve probably only discussed all of it with maybe two therapists. It’s just hard sometimes, not really being able to really talk about this disorder that can consume your entire life. Talking about our troubles is a very central concept to dealing with them, as humans, and most other mental illnesses and things like addiction, people can get together and talk about them. Mental illness support groups are already far and few between, unlike support groups for other problems, and ocd, particularly pure o ocd, can be extraordinarily isolating even if you’re surrounded by others.
I think you will find that there are many of us on this forum with Pure OCD, and the great thing is that there is no judgement here. Only positivity and support! I struggle mainly with intrusive thoughts about harming others or having harmed others in the past and either hiding it or not remembering correctly. My list goes on and on but that is my main theme. It is definitely hard to talk about to others who do not have OCD. I can’t say I blame people for not understanding. An individual without OCD would not understand that despite the fact that I checked my car for damage a dozen times, I still don’t feel sure that I did not hit a pedestrian on my way to work. I wish there was not so much stigma and misunderstanding about OCD, but even contributing on here can help lessen society’s misconceptions about what it really means to have OCD. The brain is just like any other organ in the body, and sometimes it malfunctions. Don’t be afraid to share on here and join the conversation. Welcome to the community!
Do you get ERP therapy? I’m looking for someone who specializes in it.
Yes I do! I used to go on a weekly basis, or at my worst two times a week, but now I see my therapist only monthly and keep up my ERP at home. The has a page on their website that will show you the ERP specialists in your area, and it’s very important that you receive ERP with someone who specializes in OCD. Talk therapy will not be successful in treating OCD. Hope this helps!
I also struggle with Pure O. I think it's important to note that while it seems we are just dealing with obsessions (aka pure O), the compulsions exist just like with every other type of OCD. These compulsions are simply sometimes things that can't be seen (like ruminating or other types of checking). The content of the OCD technically doesn't matter - it's all OCD (but easier said than done...this particular type has been really tough for me, as it always SEEMS like the content matters). I've gone through so many types of OCD, but this has been one of the hardest for me. Like MyOCD123, I struggle with the fear that I have harmed others in the past and somehow forgotten/blocked it out. I think this can be very tough, as much of the world assumes OCD is strictly about organization. As a result, it can be scary to share your thoughts. But please be assured, many with OCD share this obsession, as OCD tends to attach to the things that are the most important to you. You are among friends in this group, and we are here to listen. How you been able to see a therapist that specializes in OCD and helps you with ERP? I think sharing your specific thoughs and tackling them with ERP is so important as you begin to make the OCD monster a little smaller. This type of OCD can be beaten! Welcome to the community - sending you good vibes!
I agree with Dack90 , the work force looks at OCD as an impairment not being able to "do the job or handle the stress level" so maybe this job isn't for you. Its important who you tell.
Yes I find it difficult to find many people who understand. I have a good friend who suffers too so we try and help each other. But yes you do feel very alone and fr
Sorry. It’s very frightening at times. I have pure ocd and the compulsions are mental thinking and trying to solve the problem, reassurance seeking which is very hard to break. I sometimes don’t think I can cope with it anymore. I have a good understanding of the Illness but find it hard to put into practice
Hello. I'm new to this site. I can relate to your question. I have pure O and it has been debilitating at times.
My therapist diagnosed me with GAD (general anxiety disorder) she simply didn't believe I had ocd. I didn't feel comfortable sharing my intrusive thoughts. I basically read " unwanted and intrusive thoughts" by Dr Winston and diagnosed myself. Now seeing an ocd specialists and improving. ✌❤
I have severe Pure O.
You are right, mostly people do not understand it.
Since the obsessions are happening inside the brain,
and there is no outward appearance for it.
Usually, people think it is from Satan.
Sadly, they are clueless that it is caused by
a chemical imbalance in the brain.
You are not alone in your struggles with it.
Hello all. I have had OCD for almost 40 years. I had ALL of the typical OUTWARD compulsions over the years - mostly in the early years. For the past 10 years Ive had Pure O. They should call it PURE T for PURE TORMENT. I think Id go back to taking 20 minutes to pick just the right pair of underwear out of the drawer than the pure O. I might even take checking the atove and the door dozens of times over this pure O. As everyone has said, its nice to know that I am not the only one suffering from this. Stay close to the Light everyone. davidovergoliath
My son was diagnosed with OCD by a psychiatrist at a out patient anxiety center.We thought all psychiatrists and therapists and nurses would all be as well informed .That has not been the case.Several inpatient psychiatric admissions were eye openers where psychiatrists as well as mental health nurses questioned his OCD diagnosis because they didn't see physical compulsions like handwashing.He has severe O OCD...Harm being the most troublesome ,though there are other several other O subcategories he struggles with.I would highly advise you to see a physician/therapist/social worker on the list of professionals offered by I O C people on this board are kind,nonjudgmental and helpful .You are not alone here.Most importantly you are not your OCD you have /experience it .