Swallowing and Yawning OCD (other senorim... - My OCD Community

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Swallowing and Yawning OCD (other senorimotor that devlops into urges such as blinking)

lasagnaguy profile image
11 Replies


Please read with caution as it could be triggering.

The swallowing ocd started for me a few months ago one morning I woke up and started obsessing over my saliva. This then became a compulsion for me to feel the need tl swallow when I didnt need to. My biggest issue is that I am not sure whether its a compulsion or I need to swallow as holding my saluva feels like im going to choke and it effects my speech. Any tips on this please.

My yawning ocd started a week ago and its horrible. I feel the urge to yawn constantly and my body has started doing secret yawning compulsions such as deep breaths or yawning with my eyes open and mouth shut if that makes any sense. Any tips on this please.

Ive realised my ocd also finds a way to make an obsession into an urge which is extremely difficult to resist. Any tips on this please.


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lasagnaguy profile image
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11 Replies
Mlk307 profile image

Good morning Lasagnaguy, your post has attracted my attention. I have these kinds of symptoms to. the only answer I could have will be the following: the monster got the same root, same as a tree. the root is unique but the bifurcations are endless, sometimes it could show this obsession, some other time another obsession.... etc., the metaphor I could use, is a snake of several heads, but the body is the same. kill the root not the top. OCD people try to calm down the anxiety, if doesn’t work. This worsens only the problem. When I face the reality and tell to my self that doing the compulsion will not help, even if I cry from morning to evening, then I face this situation with a logic not a virtual reality, makes me better. sorry my english is not as good as before.

lasagnaguy profile image
lasagnaguy in reply to Mlk307

Sorry you suffer from this too

Very interesting what u said and thankyou

I also feel my ocd is all linked like the same body of a snake but different heads and obsessions.

I know the urges are false and not real however this still brings worry and anxiety

so should i not be doing any compulsions then even if i feel like I have to?

Mlk307 profile image
Mlk307 in reply to lasagnaguy

The whole nutrition of the monster is in the compulsion. never do the compulsion, even the worst feelings you could have, don´t obey. he is just a liar. illusion, falls messages. I know what you feel if you don’t obey, but that feeling fed quickly, because I am with this problem since long years, in fact since I was may be 17 years old. Once you open the door to it, that´s it. someone told me in the past, if you close 99 doors and neglected the last one 100th, it will be enough for the monster to invade you. he is the insatiable monster, more you do the compulsion, more you give him power. Try to test it for 10mn, tell yourself, today I will not do the compulsion just for experience, delay the compulsion if you prefer.

lasagnaguy profile image

Yes! I feel my ocd is nothing without compulsions.

Do you know if the fear and urge ever goes away or do I need to just live with it?

Mlk307 profile image
Mlk307 in reply to lasagnaguy

Fears always exist but with time it will not affect your life anymore...make a place to it just meantime to find your way, this momentary method will at least not blocking you progress in your life... because this insatiable monster is a dream thief. You have dreams right? From your childhood...think about this child you were, he never asked anything except live happily.

SCC1 profile image

I agree with Mlk307 about closing the doors on the compulsions. The more you do them, the more hold the OCD will have on you. It takes practice to stop doing compulsions, and you might not always be successful at not doing them, but like Mlk307 had said, if you do that one compulsion, you open yourself up to start doing them again, possibly as much as you had been doing them previously. Each time you give in to a compulsion, your brain will recognize that and it will make it harder to avoid doing it.

I believe OCD compulsions can be compared to having a bad habit. If the habit is stopped, no matter how long, it can be restarted if a person starts to give into the temptation to do it again (the OCD thoughts tempting you to do a compulsion). It's healthier to practice now, not giving in to the obsessive thinking or obsessive behavior that is causing you to do a compulsion. Each time you avoid doing one, the easier it will be to stop doing them.

Also, are you seeing a therapist? If not, it would be good to look into getting one, and one that specializes in ERP.

Best wishes to you


lasagnaguy profile image
lasagnaguy in reply to SCC1


I feel the urge to yawn more now than the urge to swallow and am practicing stoping the compulsion which I feel I am getting better at. I’ve realised my ocd becomes more intense when I drink is that normal?

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to lasagnaguy

You had said that you feel like you need to swallow your saliva or you fear you might choke. I would think that when you are drinking, since it's liquid, as saliva is (sort of), you are having the same problem.

I think you are focusing on the ACT of swallowing. You are thinking too much about it AS you swallow, and that is causing you to feel like you can't.

Try not to think so much about swallowing when you drink or have saliva. Let swallowing happen naturally.

lasagnaguy profile image

Yes I am better at that now but urge to yawn is still strong and even if i resist the compulsion my body takes deep breaths which may become a compulsion again

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to lasagnaguy

This is only my opinion, but I would say to try to relax when your body takes deep breaths. You can notice the breath and be mindful of it and try to breathe slowly. Be aware that you are breathing slowly and deliberately. Once you have your breaths more controlled by being aware of them, your body may get used to that and not feel like it has to take the deep breaths.

Mlk307 profile image

What about inviting the swallowing! Tel him if you want to kill me then do it now ! Don't have fears, what is the worst think that can happen? Dying ? We all die one day. Don't be afraid if he could do something he would do it since long age since it's creation! And dissipating the whole world. Don't be afraid, he is a lier.

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