I’ve struggled in the past a lot with both dreams and fake arousal, but recently my groinal responses have started to feel different, and i’m scared.
Usually, my groinal response is just a small movement. For a long time, it was terrifying and i would go into panic attacks because of it, but after a while i learned to almost ignore it. Now, i feel like it’s morphed into something that’s indistinguishable from real arousal, and i’m terrified again.
I just woke up from a dream where a person that my OCD has latched onto touched me, and i immediately woke up, having one of these reactions in my half asleep state. It’s like an extreme hyper awareness in my groin and lower stomach that turns into something tangible, almost warm, and eventually something will happen, like a muscle will move or clench, and then the panic sets in. I’ll feel myself start to sweat and overheat, my heart rate speeds up and i feel shaky. i hate it. i hate how sick i feel.
I tried to doze off again, knowing i was going to wake up and feel sick over it again later, but there wasn’t anything i could do. i dozed off, and then the thought/awareness of what happened hit me at sone point between asleep and conscious, and the entire feeling hit me again, as intense as ever if not more so.
I sat there, fully awake, putting all my focus into thinking about the touch that occurred in the dream and monitoring my groinal area’s reaction, but the more i did this, the more aroused i felt.
Logically i know that by this point i’ve basically pavlov’d myself into having these responses, but i’m so scared. I don’t want any of this. I can’t tell what’s real anymore and i’m so, so scared.