What SSRI have you used. I can’t seem to find one that works for me.
Thank you!
What SSRI have you used. I can’t seem to find one that works for me.
Thank you!
Hi Shelley. This thread has some discussion of both genetic testing to identify which drugs may be more effective for you and some of the different drugs available. Best Regards. healthunlocked.com/my-ocd/p...
And this is about Anafranil, an oldie but a goodie. healthunlocked.com/my-ocd/p...
Sertraline works best for me.
my son has had some luck with Sertraline but side effects had us change again. We are now taking Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) as it came up as best metabolic match on his genetic testing. I’ve been trying to find others who have used this SNRI for OCD to see dosage recommendations. Anyone out there…? It seems to be helping but thinking dosage needs tweaking. Good luck on your search Shelley.
I hope you don’t mind me asking but what were the side effects? I have recently come off it too due to one particular side effect.
We were having same issues. Did Genesight and Genomind genetic tests and they did not come back with entirely the same results. Genomind seems more comprehensive. I’d also explore if there might be a physiological issue exacerbating the situation (including medicine tolerance). I’m sure it’s not the same for everyone but we did mycotoxin profile mycotox urine test from Great Plains laboratory and realized symptoms and reactions are in part at least related. Tiny dose changes would cause much more pronounced side effects than what was expected even with a usual intolerance.
I’ve had luck with anafranil , unfortunately it’s trial and error when trying to find the right rx
Hi Shelly, Everyone responds so differently to medications. It is not a one size fits all. I would work very closely with a pychiatrist that is experienced in treating individuals with . Sri are generally first line of treatment. There are other meds. that can or used in conjuntion to boost the Ssri and some doctor will use meds like a Nemeda. There is another medication that still is in clinical stages. There was a great facebook live through the iocdf that I can share with you
This is the facebook youtube.com/live/1rtliVGLnK...