hi just curious if any other person has harm ocd. We’re you think you will act on your thoughts and images. Mine has been worse years back. Like now it’s popped up agsin. Especially at work always when near anyone. It’s more annoying than anything else.
harm ocd : hi just curious if any other... - My OCD Community
harm ocd

Oh yes and I'm sure there are tons of other posts on this site. The thing that helped me with those thoughts was when I was told that, "Well if you really wanted to perform those actions, they wouldn't bother you. In fact you would enjoy thinking about them." A person who wanted to hurt someone/something would relish in those thoughts.
I also learned that OCD tends to tell us the opposite of what is true. So from that I can likely assume that you are a kind and caring person who actually doesn't want to hurt anyone or anything.
It's good that the thoughts are mostly annoying and not overwhelming. That's actually a really good place to be with OCD. If you are having trouble though there is help. Therapy and/or medicine have helped me a lot. There are also books and other media as well. Years ago I went through one called "The OCD Workbook" or something like that. It was actually useful when I was starting out in understanding what OCD was and how to deal with it.
Hope this was helpful.
Hi thanks for reply. Over the years i,ve had therapy on medication read books. I do find this particularly ocd theme very annoying because it’s easy for it to latch on. As there’s people everywhere like at work. Basically you get the thought then image then feeling or urge then the anxiety and so forth. This worry does come and go. I do realise what it’s doing i don’t avoid. But there’s always other worry’s to take its place.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I just want you to know you are not alone! There are many of us who deal with that type of OCD. It can be very frustrating and scary. I have dealt with this and currently it has come back for me as well. Try to remember that OCD attacks what we care most about and it tells us lies that we would never ever do. Don’t use it as reassurance, but just having that knowledge and arguing back with the ocd is helpful I find sometimes. Keep working on it. Things do get easier and it does quiet down. It’s really good that you are still going to work where it bothers you and you get through the day. Look at that as a victory and a great exposure exercise each day. That is what I am doing currently.
Hi thanks for reply. Is yours like when near people. Mines not as worse as it has been. But very annoying especially at work. It’s always like i,m preparing for it. Before i go to work. Like now waiting to go to work. Like i said it does come and go. Was really bad years back.
It changes, like anything with ocd. Mainly it is when I’m around people. But like you said, me anticipating going to work I start to think and fear before I even go to work. But I’m using it as exposure therapy. Taking the opportunity to sit in the uncomfortable feeling and not give it power or meaning. Rather labeling it just another thought that passes through. Like me thinking I need to get groceries later. It’s just another thought that comes and goes. The fact that we give it feeling and are afraid gives it power. It teaches our body that we have something to be on the look out for. By not giving it emotion, it helps the thought pass by a lot easier. I hope this helps. Like I said, I can write all that, but I am also currently going through the same thing and it is hard. But the more opportunities we have to sit in the ocd, the easier it will become.
Hi Homer,
You are certainly not alone. I recommend reading "Freedom from OCD" by Jon Grayson. Here are more resources you can check out:
OCD Stories Podcast
Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast
OCD & Anxiety on Youtube
Mark Freeman on Youtube
Just remember OCD attacks what is important to you! It goes completely against your values. OCD is a liar!
the self compassion workbook by Kimberly quinlann was a game changer for me. Self compassion is hard when you have this subtype of OCD
it’s a paper back book on amazon by Kimberly quinlann
the cover says the self compassion workbook for OCD