Hello everyone.
I have been suffering from severe OCD for years. My OCD is mostly about magical contamination. After 2-3 years of having more control over OCD, I have had a relapse. Since September, I have been avoiding anything that I fear might be contaminated based on my magical/emotional contamination rules. As I gave in to OCD and refused ERP because I was too anxious, it has got more severe.
One week ago, there was a small canalisation issue in our apartment and we called technicians to come and they solved the problem. This was unexpected and I was not prepared. I decided to stay in my room until they left because I couldn’t control what they needed to do and preferred not to see what they touch.
For one week now I have been feeling that I’m living in a super contaminated place. It is almost impossible for me to clean (decontaminate) everything as we have been moving around and touching contaminated stuff and then touching other things.
The emotional pressure of being exposed to potentially contaminated stuff all the time is becoming unbearable for me. I appreciate it if you have any idea that might be helpful or advice on what I should/shouldn’t do.
Thank you