Hello everyone
I hope your week is going well so far. I have had quite the busy week and just to add some fuel to the already raging fire of busy I had an ERP appointment today!
I drove out to my therapist's office for the first time in 3 years and saw him in person to do exposures. This is such a huge milestone for me. Ever since my son was born I have found reasons to mostly stay home because it is where OCD tells me is safest. Little by little I have watched my world become ever smaller because of it and that is not the life I want for myself or the example I want to set for my son. So, today I did it! I set up another appointment to do it again too. It's scary and empowering. I'm definitely sitting with a lot of anxiety and uncertainty right now.
But, enough about me. I want to hear about the hard things you have been doing so we can celebrate our wins together.
What's something you've done this week to stand up to OCD that you're proud of?