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OCD research and nutrients for calming the brain from intrusive thoughts and compulsions . Please share if you have knowledge 👍🏻

Maximuz profile image
34 Replies

Hi everybody , just interested to know if anybody has tried Gabba for ocd ,and if they have then would they recommend this supplement ? And also if they would recommend any other supplements for calming the ocd brain

I suffer with serve ocd and I’m having battle of my life at the moment , I have a great support network with family and my partner who have been great . Iv tried to reduce my diazepam and zoplicone but I’m literally struggling having intrusive thoughts every minute of the day and my anxiety is spiking because of this , I’m currently having therapy ,cbt and ERP which is going slow but I really want too make it work and be happy again

I’m currently taking 60mg of fluoxetine a day (Prozac) 10mg of diazepam and zopliclone at night times as I struggle sleeping

Everyday is a new and daunting battle in the ocd life as you all will know , be nice too hear from anybody who wants to chat

Thankyou maximuz

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34 Replies
nkotbjoeymc profile image

I Take Vitamin’s And I Don’t Feel A Difference.

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to nkotbjoeymc

Okay , do you mind me asking what vitamins ? Any advice will be appreciated anyway thankyou

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to nkotbjoeymc

Have you tried Gabba ?

nkotbjoeymc profile image
nkotbjoeymc in reply to Maximuz

What is that for?

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to nkotbjoeymc

It’s supposed to relax the brain it’s a neurotransmitter but can be taken in tablet form

unsure if it works but I’m willing to give it a try , the research Iv done so far is interesting

On the down side Iv just read an article relating to the blood brain barrier and absorption , so I’ll be doing a little bit more research on it before i commit to trying it

joleb profile image

Hi have started taking a vitamin called Ultra Calm by Dr. Osborne that has helped a lot. He is a functional medicine doctor out in Houston, Texas but I ordered it online. It works! I also take 150mg of Dr's Best L- Theanine from Amazon. It works too! I also drink hot mint tea which calms me.

joleb profile image
joleb in reply to joleb

Oh and Magnesium helps with sleep along with Anise tea. Best wishes and health to you. It is really difficult but there is hope.

Marvelouslight profile image
Marvelouslight in reply to joleb

💯 agree with Joleb about Magnesium. Magnesium GLYCINATE or CHELATE are huge benefits in calming anxiety.

Attached is a link that provides some beneficial information on magnesium. Important to make sure it is glycinate ir chelate as they are specific to anxiety.


Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to Marvelouslight

Thankyou so much for your feedback sorry for the late reply have been struggling the last week or so I’ll give it a try and see how it helps

Wish I could just calm all the rumination down it’s really depressing

bubble02 profile image

Happy to chat as its important to have friends and support so chat if you would like

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to bubble02

Thankyou so much for the recommendations , I’ll have too try these ! Always open too new options .👍🏻Are these products available in England ?

How has your ocd been over the last few months ?


My son's Therapist & Psychiatrist have him on Gabba with L-theanine, 5htp, fruit/veggie-based multivitamins, magnesium, moody enhancing raw probiotics. All of them seem to help. I've noticed that if he doesn't take the Gabba in the morning, he's more stressed out. Huge difference with missing the 5htp as well, but it's trickier timing with 5htp because you have to take it in-between meals on an empty stomach for it to not combine with proteins, which makes it less effective. People who have OCD tend to have b12 & magnesium deficiencies... We've been working with a herbalist and have an appointment to see a nutritionist this month. All of these are on Amazon or at Whole Foods, just make sure they're organic.

At night, he alternates between Valerian/lemon balm tea, skullcap/licorice tea, and kava kava tea... all of these have mint in them, as well as passionflower... they help him sleep.

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to

Thank you so much for your advice ,I will try every single supplement you have suggested I will have a look online and give them a go

Does he take SSRI’s aswell if you don’t mind me asking

Thanks maximuz

He was just prescribed Zoloft/Sertraline, but he also doesn't like his Psychiatrist and we're hesitant to try SSRI meds because the success rate isn't that great and she wants to up him to a high dose asap, so we're switching to a different Psychiatrist... the ones we're interested in are more Holistic in their approach. They both administer ketamine treatments, which we looked into sometime ago because we know people with different diagnoses who have had great success with ketamine.

My son is only 13yo, puberty and the Pandemic have made his OCD worse. He also has depression, GAD, PTSD and dyscalculia. All of this is challenging. His Therapist uses CBT and Mindfulness techniques, ERP has been too much for him in general, although he made some breakthroughs this week based on a razor-sharp threat from his Psychiatrist to have him admitted to PES. Another reason why we're switching Psychiatrists. His current one is affiliated with the largest University in our state and it's standard protocol for patients with severe OCD to be admitted to inpatient treatment centers, except that it places you in the system. Once that occurs, we live in an area where day treatment centers don't exist, so RTC is the next step and most kids in my state get shipped off to other states due to the lack of resources here. Scary and unacceptable to us, given that he's generally making progress.

We've just tried hypnotherapy, which he loved and he begins neurofeedback in a few months, once he's finished with ketamine therapy. He also uses the HU app, which is a meditation/chanting app of one of the Seed Sounds. We're regularly exploring apps online that he responds to for relaxation techniques and calming background music or sounds.

Finding the right fit for providers is so important. He just weened off of St. John's Wort, which was actually rough and made his symptoms worse for several weeks, to our surprise. But apparently, this herb effects the same neurotransmitters that SSRI meds do. I was a medical professional in PT for a decade and also had my own private practice of Yoga Therapy/Holistic Wellness, so plenty of these techniques are familiar to me. It's so important to be able to advocate for yourself with Healthcare Professionals...

Good luck to you, truly. What kind of Therapy do you utilize?

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to

Hi thanks for the feedback. I live in England so I have to go through every branch of the NHS my doctor doesnt really care and I feel the resources you have over there are much more accommodating. We have a basic mental health helpline and a minimum of 6 month waiting list for any form of treatment which has been the hardest part for me , suffered since I was around 15 but always been able too overcome my struggles until lockdown which really really effected my state and I became withdrawn from society and gradually got worse over time too a point where I had to quit my job and haven’t been able too weight train for 6 months ,

I’m an ex athlete so Iv found it hard not been able to go to the gym and not being able to work , also which has had a financial effect

I’m currently taking Prozac 60mg with diazepam and zopicone to sleep on

Iv found video games help massively with the cognitive side and the ruminating side of ocd , has he tried anything like that ?

I have taken sertraline in the past and it was very effective for me , so if I could only give you one piece of advice it would be to try a small dose I think it would work well with his ERP and CBT , card games ,video games , really calm me and reading books

I’m a joiner by trade so I also like doing woodwork in my back yard when I’m able to go outside

Thankyou maximuz

in reply to Maximuz

Thank you for that, and we're lucky to have options, most definitely. His Psychiatrist wants him to be on 200mg of Sertraline within 2 months is the thing, nit at a low dose of 50mg. We don't agree with her, neither does our pharmacist, so we still have to find another provider out of network at this point.

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to

Yeah I totally wouldn’t recommend that straight away I was only on 50mg at my highest A dose of 20mg surely would be better to start on wouldn’t it

Do you have to pay or is it covered with insurance ?

Thanks maximuz

in reply to Maximuz

Most of these treatments are covered by insurance, but not neurofeedback or ketamine therapy. The Psychiatrist wants to start him out with 25mg of Sertraline, then if he tolerates it, start bumping him up 25mg/wk. He'd be at 200mg within 2 months. Unacceptable to us. 50mg is the therapeutic dose. My Pharmacist doesn't agree with her dosage plan whatsoever either... he's been a Pharmacist for over 30 years and says that once you get to 100mg, the side effects outweigh the benefits, but she thinks she knows better. Seems to be a problem with some doctors, despite the fact that the Pharmacist understands the Neuro Chemistry far better than she does and is far more experienced. So... we have to go out of network for a new Psychiatrist.

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to

Exactly yeah always listen too the people who know how the chemical composition better and people who know how the drug works Iv been looking at ketamine therapy since you suggested it , looks very promising although I’d have too privately fund that in England also.

Please keep me updated on your progress it helps too get your feedback you seem very knowledgeable.

Do you have any links for the gabba supplements?



in reply to Maximuz

We buy KAL, GABA L-Theanine Stress B lozenges... it has extra b12, b6, b3, choline, folic acid, thiamine, vit c... all of which is great for the brain and is super inexpensive.

I have OCD myself... I've just been lucky to not have had many unstable episodes in my life and it's probably helped to make me a great researcher and academic. I was a Personal Assistant before I switched into the Medical Field and Healthcare.

This forum has been really helpful for me since I joined a few weeks ago... it's so important to be connected to other people who are suffering with the same diagnoses and to hear your stories and experiences as well, so thank you...

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to

Yeah you’ve been great help and it’s been nice to talk to somebody who has knowledge of supplements I do a lot of research on ocd almost everyday , have you ever looked into TMS therapy for OCD ? I will try and dig up some of my research later if you haven’t.

I joined this site earlier in the week and it’s been a nice change to talk to people about it . Iv always been very private about my OCD and have tried to just keep it between my partner and family as I’m very embarrassed by it ,they get how difficult and rehabilitating it is for me but have only got a basic understanding of it.

I’m praying my therapy Helps me to function once again so that I’m able to go back to work and to the gym .

just doing normal people stuff would be amazing !

in reply to Maximuz

I've heard of TMS, but he's young and has just gotten diagnosed officially. We use Electrical Stimulation in PT, which is really justcfor muscle pain. I'd like to find a Cranial Sacral Therapist who works with adolescents, but... he doesn't want anyone to touch him right now anyhow, so bodywork is off the table, as is acupuncture until he stabilizes. He's getting evaluated at an Integrative Medical Clinic next week, but I'm I'm not sure if they can help with anything other than more Mindfulness exercises and Diet/Nutrition advice for the moment.

He's very embarrassed about his OCD as well and it's very isolating for us... especially since germaphobia and contamination fears are ruling him so often. We'll find out within the next few weeks re: ketamine therapy, otherwise, low dose Zoloft /Sertraline...

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to

Okay keep us updated on how stuff works out Thankyou Maximuz

OCDhell profile image
OCDhell in reply to

Hello I'm curious about the kwtami e treatment. Can you elaborate a d tell me how he receives it and the dosag and where he getsvtreatment

Eli_E profile image

Hi! I took Gabba initially when I had a really sudden terrible onset of OCD and thus anxiety. I was working with people who took a more holistic approach and I wasn't sure yet if I wanted to try SSRI's so I started with this. It did help with my anxiety a bit (but not the thought frequency). In the end though I started taking Lexapro and once I did that I stopped taking Gabba.

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to Eli_E

Oh right okay interesting , how does the Lexapro suit you ? I’m taking Prozac at the Moment I have my good days and really bad days , the ruminating is awful some days though to the point where I’m in despair , my ocd complex and evolves around numbers so it’s kinda hard too avoid them , certain days I can’t even watch the tv which is really hard , luckily I have a ps5 which has been helping while I’m not working.

Thanks maximuz

Eli_E profile image
Eli_E in reply to Maximuz

Luckily Lexapro has suited me pretty well. I was having really bad panic attacks, not sleeping, crying fits etc. and Lexapro helped me get those under control enough that I could progress with therapy and ERP. I'm doing a lot better now

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to Eli_E

That’s great too hear ! I’m hoping my Prozac is finally giving me a little help Iv been exactly the same as you , still taking diazepam and zopiclone though ,but trying to ween off gradually Feeling a little edgy today but trying to Lee motivated with a bit of gaming and weight training


Addict737 profile image

Try 5htp also if you are male talk to do doctor about hrt gaba And pregab just addictive drugs that just adds to your problems, my OCD used to be in fucking bearable I had expose my intrusive thoughts to someone trustworthy some of the stuff that would pop in my mind I thought I was evil til exposed it to someone and found out in not everyone gets twisted thought s ,but OCD it's a fear based mental illness im ranting I'm sorry it's really hard to explain if you ever need talk Commubicate let me know best of luck

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to Addict737

How you been doing mate ? My last few days have been okay but I think the next few days are gonna be hard My ocd has been the worse Iv ever known it this year and Iv suffered for 20 years

Ocd feels more like a cancerous bully sometimes more than a disorder

What meds you taking of you don’t mind talking


LiveandLetGod33 profile image
LiveandLetGod33 in reply to Maximuz

Right now I'm just on low dose Prozac, or the generic kind. Proper nutrition (eating enough and good quality foods) really helps too. I honestly don't know how I got here with how bad it was. I think at this point, I'm able to recognize the thoughts, which is soooo hard to do, right? I'm kind of just tired of them. Like their pull just doesn't mean as much to me. It's very bizarre and definitely impacts many other things in my life.

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to LiveandLetGod33

Yeah definitely get you there ! My thoughts are like so real and overruling they have so much power and meaning , it’s like they brain wash me with all the rules and things I can and cannot do on certain days etc Iv functioned highly with my ocd for many many years , started my own business and a great career in the fitness industry when I was younger and this year after the last lockdown it was like the whole pot just exploded , felt like a nervous breakdown

My ocd became so bad that I’m now not working or going to the gym

Iv started being able to walk outside a little more and watch a little bit of tv which has been a relief

Other than that most days are agonisingly frustrating and boring

I’m taking 60mg of Prozac but taking diazepam as-well , I find this sometimes helps calm the ruminating down a little

Nice too chat to people who actually suffer like me it’s hard for normal people to understand what we actually go through everyday


LiveandLetGod33 profile image

Gabba is excellent. I'd recommend working with a Naturopathic doc if possible, because sometimes you can hear that a supplement is super good for you, but you may naturally lack another type of chemical that aids in the absorption of that supplement. Example: Vitamin D and Calcium. Personally, I'd focus on removing added stressors, engage in breathing practices that are unstructured (because I know that doing "healthy" things can turn obsessive, so just randomly breath deep and try not to count). Sleep 7-9 hours, feed your body nourishing foods, and if you are deficient in anything, I bet there are take-home tests to see what your body needs. You're doing great, though. One thing, one day at a time!

Maximuz profile image
Maximuz in reply to LiveandLetGod33

Thankyou very much mate !Where are you based in the states ?

It’s a pile of shit in England they are so far behind they just stick people on meds and don’t even test the vital nutrients we can be lacking


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