Day 8 of setraline and still no improvement. How long till it takes affect? I’m still having horrible thoughts and anxiety constantly in my tummy. I’m still desperately trying to not tell my partner how I feel and what I’m thinking. So far so good. Just want to go back to normal! Can anyone tell the benefits of this medication?
Meds: Day 8 of setraline and still no... - My OCD Community
Hello! Fellow person here who takes setraline! The effects I think may take up to 2 weeks or a month to begin feeling their effect. If I’m remembering correctly.
It also depends on your dosage. I take 2 pills which is the maximum for me, but you might be beginning on a lower dosage to see if that is effective enough for you. When you have taken it for a while, ask your partner if they have noticed you doing less compulsions. Sometimes people see that we are improving when our head is too clouded.
Also, some days I forget to take my medicine and then I obviously see how much it helps me when my OCD bothers me more than usual.
I’m sorry you are having to deal with such horrible intrusive thoughts. The medicine will help you but you will still have to do the mental work. Setraline is like an extra party member in a video game. They will help you defeat the boss, but you have to do some fighting as well. But like all video games, you can beat it.
But if it’s Bloodborne or Dark Souls choose a different game. Those are beatable but are VERY hard and aren’t fun for some people. But I suppose OCD isn’t fun eh?
Hello! Thankyou for your help I really appreciate it. I’m only starting 50mg a day. I like how you’ve described it! Hope all is well with you. I have confession OCD and things I think (ocd) I want to tell my partner but they ain’t very nice and it really upsets her coz it’s involving me ‘apparently’ fancying someone at work. Which I don’t! It’s just so so hard now everytime we may have a cuddle or whatever her names pops into my head. I’m just really struggling and I know I can’t tell her coz I will loose her. Any advice?
Oof that’s sucks. Okay so try not telling your partner when the name pops up. It’s good that you are open about your OCD with her, but your OCD is compelling you to confess so that you feel less anxiety. Know that just because the name pops up doesn’t mean you want to hang out with that co worker. And explain that to her too. It’s OCD trying to trick you and make you feel bad.
Also, talk to your partner and see if they are confused a little about OCD. Try to tell her it isn’t because you fancy your coworker, it’s just your OCD trying to ruin your cuddle time. It’s important for your partner to understand what OCD actually is and how to help. Explain how now when the name pops up in your head you won’t tell her so that the name pops up less in your head over time. Communication is key to relationships. And if your partner doesn’t understand then, I don’t know what else to say. Maybe someone else here can help you communicate to her if it comes down to that.
Thankyou so much again! I know that if I tell her it’s a vicious cycle.. she doesn’t know about her name that pops up but I told her about my co worker ‘fancy’ obviously it’s upsetting but she does understand. I hate it. Just need to be strong and not tell her anything x
It can take a while, It depends on you but if its not working with a month, sometimes it can take up to 6 weeks. There are things that you will be able to tell your partner in time that is what ERP is all about. I know that many of the SSRI's can affect the stomach some sides effects can be nausea and upset stomaches. Well its not the best technique something you can alwqys try is distraction, are there any actvities that can talk your mind off of it even for a little bit.
I’m only on 50mg so I’m wondering wether I do need a stronger dose. Yes Thankyou I will try distraction.. telling my partner is the worst thing I could do because then I’m feeding it then they’ll be something else! Once I’ve cracked that life will be so much better x
Yeah, I mean somme day hopefully, you will be able to tell your partner about the normal things that everyone does, and you will hopeful know what is OCD, and what is normal stuff. Maybe, someday you will even feel well enough to talk about it, or maybe not all that matters is getting it to a good place.