Is it true ocd can be exacerbated or caused by adhd medicine as well as antidepressants?
Ocd & ADHD Medicine/Antidepressants - My OCD Community
Ocd & ADHD Medicine/Antidepressants
A common treatment for OCD is to use SSRIs, which are also used to treat depression. For OCD it is usually a higher dose than would be used for depression. I have no idea about ADHD drugs.
Well I’ve been thinking about it and I feel like my ocd got more exacerbated after I was put on my antidepressants

Are you doing therapy (specifically ERP) for your OCD as well? Many people find the while meds can help, it only does so much and therapy is a crucial part of recovery.
Yes I am. But I feel like after I was put on the antidepressants for my depression my symptoms got much worse and much more exacerbated.

I would mention it to your prescriber then. You shouldn’t discount your own experience. There are a number of meds to try and mixing conditions can make things more trial and error.
Well I’ve been off the adhd meds for about 10 years but I’m going to talk to my counselor about either looking to go back off my antidepressants or increase it to see if either one can help calm my ocd symptoms down. Because even with them my ocd is still just as bad.
My daughter’s doctor has been reluctant to put her on ADHD medication because she has OCD and he said that ADHD meds can make it worse.
Well I’m wanting to talk to my counselor about either going off my antidepressants or looking to increase the doseage to see if that can help calm my ocd down.
And I was only on adderall for a year but then they put me on vyvanse for 3 but took me off of them because I started becoming depressed.
usually SSRI medicine helps OCD. I’ve had good luck with Luvox. I’m on 200 mg daily.
Yeah well I haven’t talked to my physician about my ocd. But my counselor did diagnose me with it. And I feel like I’ve tried so hard to do it on my own without any medicine that it’s just too hard to overcome. And I don’t know if I should go completely of my antidepressants or get an increased doseage to help with my ocd. Because I’m currently on 10 mg of Lexapro for depression.

You might want to try a higher dosage. OCD responds better to higher dosages. For instance, I am taking 200 mg daily out of a maximum of 300 mg daily. Under 200 mg I see a little bit of relief but not as much as I do at the higher dosage. I also take klonopin as needed at times. I also have started taking the NAC supplement at 2000 mg for the past 6 months. I think the actual dosage should also be a little higher at 2,400 mg. Please talk to your doctor about this, and don’t give up! OCD is hard and takes time to get better, but YOU WILL get better! Be patient and have faith in yourself, your doctor and in God!
Thank you. I guess I’m just scared for my doctor to think I’m making it up because I’ve never talked to my doctor about it even though
I’ve had issues with it for years. And my mom is always worried about me taking too much medicine at higher dose ages and becoming addicted
Were you on 300 mg before the 200?