I have a fear that I'm actually not straight, and I'm just asexual. This thought scares me a lot because I want to have a boyfriend some day. A while back ago, I decided to post on an asexual forum that I was afraid that I was indeed an asexual, and I had a few replies say that I'm so young (14 at the time) and I shouldn't worry. This one person though, they said that it sounds like I'm asexual and aromantic, and that really, really upset me. I thought to myself, well if that guys says it then it must be true. Sometimes when I find myself thinking about a guy, and being in a relationship with a guy, I'll remember what that person said on the asexual forum and I feel my stomach drop. Nothing against asexuals, but I just don't want to be asexual myself, since I want to have sexual and romantic relationships with a guy...
also, I've "talked" go a few guys before, but nothing ever came of it. I'm not sure if that's unusual or not, and I'm scared that I give "uninterested" vibes because "what if I'm asexual??". When I was younger, I always had a crush on a boy, and they were always very big crushes. I still experience crushes. This has been such a big worry of mine. I also haven't had my first kiss and I'm 15. I'm not sure if that's normal or not. But I use that as proof that I'm asexual/aromantic sometimes too.