I ran across this in reading some materials to get ready for a small-group gathering at church later this week. This isn't written specifically for support groups, but it is written to remind us to rely on others.
You Are Not Enough by Alexis Engelbrecht
The phrase is everywhere. Though the words may
vary, the essence remains: You are enough.
You have what it takes. If you just believe, anything
is possible. You can do it.
May I suggest that you are not enough?
I am not enough. Each of us, as individuals, is not
Alone, one can feel overwhelmed and hopeless.
Alone, one must fend for oneself. Alone, one is left
to only one’s personal experiences and knowledge.
No – I am not enough... but... when I am with
another, my tears can be accompanied by the
comfort of companionship. When I am with
another, one seemingly impossible challenge is
divided by half. When I am with many, the work is
Our insights and wisdom multiply with the presence
of others at the table.
We cannot be everything at once. Instead, when
you are with me, and I am with you –
when we are part of this community grounded in
Love – we are enough...we are whole.