Can anyone relate i have been struggleling with intrusive thoughts i try to let them pass and control my anxiety . For example i read something that triggered my OCD it was a Harm story random intrusive thoughts came tru my mind “what ifs” i ignored them and let them pass .. Moments later i was in full panic and anxiety it is now stuck with me and making me feel horrible ;Also my husband has been on vacation for 3weeks and is back to work tommorow and my son is back to school i am scared to be alone specially with my little 4yr old and these thoughts popping up my heart hurts😢
Ughh😔: Can anyone relate i have been... - My OCD Community
I know exactly how it feels when intrusive thoughts will not go away.
Are you on any medication or have you experimented with any?
Hi there. I’m sorry you’re having a tough time. Do you have a therapist and are you doing ERP?
Hey, I know how you’re feeling and I know how hard it is. I have had very bad intrusive thoughts (harm, sexual, etc.) about my family and especially about my two daughters. It is important that you try to find a good therapist who understands ERP... also, I know this prospect is scary too. You probably have fears like “they’ll take my kids away if they knew” and/or I understand that you’re probably afraid of impulses, or that something bad might truly happen. Please, ask me any questions (public or private) as I truly know what you’re going through. I believe in you. There is hope. You got this!
Hi! Try to think your thoughts arent you (I know is hard), also try to find a mantra to tell yourself when the thoughts come, I hope it help you.
Excuse me, my english is not so good,
A therapist who specializes in OCD is key. I had postpartum OCD with my first son 36 years ago when no one seemed to know what it was. I had therapists tell me it was because I really didn’t want to be at home with my baby or that I had deep seated issues with my mother. This was bs, of course. OCD is a chemical imbalance in the brain which is exacerbated by stress. It causes emotional heartache because it tends to stick on things that mean the most to us. You are not alone! There is a wonderful community of understanding and support right here. We will always be here for you. Medication does help many people, but a trained OCD therapist in exposure and response prevention will help you work through this and continue to be the loving, caring mother that you are. 💜 There is a great book that you can purchase online, called Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts, by Sally Winston and Martin Seif.
One more thing, when the intrusive or obsessional thoughts get bad, there are some anxiety reduction exercises you can try that my therapist gave me . You might be able to find some "mindfulness exercises" if you google for find them in a book. They seem to offer some relief when it gets bad.
Im scared because i read Its a Myth That OCD is an Anxiety Disorder or anxiety related idk ehat to think anymore so sad😔
I’m so sorry that you’re hurting. Remember they are only thoughts! Separate yourself from those thoughts. You are not those thoughts. Please seek help from a therapist that specializes in OCD.